Daily News Digest November 4, 2024

Daily News Digest Archives 

Images of the Day: 

Don’t Vote For Ecocide or Genocide! As the world rapidly warms, capitialism and the Republicrates have demonstrated, by their actions (Expanding the burning of fossil fuels, fracking, ect.), they are for more profits and more profits reguardless of the detriment of the environment! They have no regard for life!

Since World War I, ‘the war to end all wars’, there have been perpetual wars for perpetual peace, this Laura Gray’s cartoon from the front page of The Militant August 18, 1945, Under the Banner Headline: “There Is No Peace”There is No Democracy! When Less Than 1% Control the Wealth, Production, and Price of Everything Produced and Consumed in the World!      In the present period of unfettered Capitalism, the pretense of democratic rule does not exist, except in the minds of ‘socialists’ like Bernie Sanders and the Labor Bureaucracy!   Capitalists view all struggles as struggles against capitalist rule! Transition demands immediately become revolutionary demands!    Therefore, any resistence to the attack of capitalists has to be organized by those that understand this!

Today, the United States Capitalists are Consolidating Themselves as the Supreme Capitalists!      Capitalism’s Gluttony is Demonstrated by It’s Quest for More and More Profits at the Expense of Humanity!     The Rise of Capitalism was Under the Banner of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity! Now There is  Less Liberty, More Inequality, and Less Fraternity of Humanity!   Every Day, From Global Warming to Global War There is a New Example of Capitalism in Imperialist Decay! 

Capitalism as a Failed  System: World Capitalism Has Been Aware of the Comming Catastrophe of Global Warming  Over 6 Decades Ago and Did Nothing!:  Under Capitalism — Human Lives Don’t Matter  Capitalism Does Not, and Never Has, Worked for the Masses! In Its Death Agony, Capitalism Is Traveling About The World Like The Five Horsemen of the the Apocalypse, Spreading  Racism,  War, Famine, Pestilence, Death, and Misinformation! The very future of Humanity Is Now At stake!

During This Economic Crisis, Capitalism’s Three-Point Political Program: Austerity, Scapegoat Blacks, Minorities, and ‘Illegal’ Immigrants for Unemployment, and The Iron Heel!    For Decades, Blacks Have Been Subjected to The Iron Heel!   Currently, the US Capitalist Class is Divided Over When — Not If, to Apply It to Everyone! Globaly, With the Current Gaza War, The Right of Assembly is Under Attack! Due to Years of Austerity, Cuts to Public Health Care, And An Anti-Science and Profiteering President, The United States Still Leads the World In  Coronavirus Cases and Deaths in the World!

The Iron Heel

The Majority of the World, Despite the Media Monopoly’s Lies, are Opposed to the Palestinian Genocide and Global Warming — The 1% Minority Funds Them! At, this Time in History, Capitalism is Exposing the Fact That it is Opposed to Majority Rule/Democracy!

Always Remember:  That President Obama, With a Majority Democrat Legislature Supported the Wall Street Bailout and Remember, That he Established, in writing,  the United States Capitalist Austerity Program. —  The Race to the Bottom/Pauperization of the 99%!

Democracy?: As the Capitalist Robber Barons Steal from the 99%,  Only the 1% Voted For Austerity!   The 99% Should Decide On Austerity — Not Just The 1%, Who Profit From Austerity!!  Under Austerity, All of the World Will Eventually Be Pauperized, Humbled, and Desecrated Like Greece and Puerto Rico.!   Socialism Means True Democracy, that the 99% Will Rule, Not the Few!

Quotes of the Day:

July 24,2020 Update: Since  One-Third of All Black Men in America Are Classified As Ex-Felons. and Black Ex-felons Have a Life Time Employment Probability Rate of 4,7%, the Actual Government Statistics Are Grossly Understated, the Overall Real Condition of the Working Class is Perpetual Pauperization! … I begin by stating that this essay exposes the bi-partisan lies of the capitalist class, the capitalist economists, and their media institutions, that the US capitalists has been repeating about  the standard of living of the United States working class. Donald Trump’s  audacity and lying are but a reflection of the level of mendacity of the  United States Capitalist Class…. The last 4 decades, in the United States, have been the largest transference of wealth From the Poor, the Working class, and the Middle class, to the rich, the 1%, in the history of the world!     This has been done thorugh ‘normal exploitation’ of the working class, and through Austerity Programs (Cutting the social wages of the working class.), through Government Lies and Statistics, Usury, and with the full Compliance and Silence/Support of the United States Trade Union Bureaucracy! — The Condition of the United States Working Class —  Where Do We Go From Here?

E.V. Debs

  Podcasts/Vide0s of the Day:

 “Too Much Evidence” Of Genocide South Africa’s legal team has submitted hundreds of documents containing what it calls “undeniable evidence” as part of its ongoing genocide case against the state of Israel, with the South African representative to The Hague telling Al Jazeera that “The problem we have is that we have too much evidence.”

 Video of me speaking, at this 2014 Howard University, meeting at the 1:24:00 mark) watch: The “Black Messiah” The Life and Assassination Of Malcolm X Who Killed Him And Why?

 Spanish Floods, War in the Middle East and the US Elections – Against the Stream

United States:

The United States is not a Democracy (A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly)! Only the 1%, through their ownership of the Republicrats and who profit from war and the war budget, vote for War and the war budget — A policy, which Gore Vidal called a  Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. — The 99% Should Decide On War — Not Just The 1% Who Profit From War!  Under a Democracy, The 99% would have the right to vote on the policy of Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace! The United States takes from the poor and gives to the Rich. Tax the Rich!  — They Can Afford ford To Pay! Both Parties Support U.S. Capitalism’s Wars! (The Only War the Democrats Opposed was the Civil War!)

We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both. — Louis D. Brandeis Quotes/

The greatest purveyor of violence in the world : My own Government, I cannot be Silent. ― Martin Luther King Jr.

To this day, we have a government and state apparatus that is designed to “protect the minority of the opulent against the majority.” Democracy for white and wealthy men only! — Roland Sheppard, My Forefathers and The 1%’s Forefathers. 

Capitalism is in Crisis! With Higher Unemployement and Rapid Inflation During theBiden/Harris Era.  Both Harris and Trump, Along With the Labor Bureaucracy) are Scapegoating Minorties and Immigrants for the Crisis, I Will Be Surpprised, if Trump Goesn’t get Elected!  But the Current Crisis of Capitalism will Continue No Matter Who Wins!

What is Trumpism? Americans are used to hearing that every election is “the most important in our lifetime.” This year, both candidates have taken it a step further, arguing that it’s the most important election in the history of the United States. “For or against Trump?!” This is the alleged existential question posed by both major parties. But what exactly is Trumpism in the first place? Confusion abounds on this question, and yet, it is impossible to understand where US society is headed without a correct diagnosis of this disease. An era of instability.    For over a century, the US ruling class enjoyed exceptional political stability. However, that began to unravel in 2016, when the general election brought decades of economic decline and class anger to the surface. Leaning on economic nationalism and demagogic chauvinism against immigrants, women, and other oppressed groups, Trump vowed to restore economic prosperity and put “America First.” Posturing as a bold “outsider” taking on the Washington establishment for the good of the American people, he has taken over and transformed the Republican Party.    Liberals see Trump’s rise as a random and lamentable accident, and a worrying “slide towards authoritarianism.” While some acknowledge that he has tapped into reserves of legitimate discontent, they mainly present him as a sinister individual, single-handedly capable of destroying the democratic fabric of the country. But political trends do not appear out of nowhere. For an idea to develop and take hold in society, it must offer a perceived solution to a given problem.    To understand Trump’s rise, we must start with a basic understanding of how ideas arise and function within society. Karl Marx elaborated on this in his 1859 Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, writing:

In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political, and intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness. At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or—this merely expresses the same thing in legal terms—with the property relations within the framework of which they have operated hitherto. From forms of development of the productive forces, these relations turn into their fetters. Then begins an era of social revolution. The changes in the economic foundation lead sooner or later to the transformation of the whole immense superstructure.    In other words, ideas do not drop from the sky. They emerge in the course of social existence, which has a material, economic basis.    For his message to gain an echo, Trump must have spoken to something deep-rooted within American social and economic relations.      As Marxists, we must identify those “changes in the economic foundation” that have led to such a stark transformation of the American political superstructure.

Unheeded Warnings: Sagan, Eisenhower and the Ultimate Gamble In his book The Cold and the Dark: The World after Nuclear War, published in 1984, Carl Sagan (with his co-authors, biologists Paul R. Ehrlich and Donald Kennedy and astronomer and atmospheric physicist Walter Orr Roberts) warned of the unimaginable devastation that would ensue from a nuclear war.   Sagan and his team reviewed dozens of nuclear war scenarios, presenting an analysis that predicted “nuclear winter,” a dramatic worldwide cooling event following a nuclear war.    Sagan rigorously detailed “the impact of the huge amount of dust and smoke generated by nuclear blasts and the resulting fires,” describing a rapid plunge in global temperatures that would lead to catastrophic crop failures and resultant food shortages.     Even a “limited” nuclear war “could cause hundreds of millions or billions of humans worldwide to starve to death,” as these crop failures combine with broader ecosystem destruction, the breakdown of human support of agricultural systems, and the collapse of food transportation and distribution infrastructure. As Khrushchev once remarked, “The living would envy the dead.”     Today’s nuclear weapons release an inconceivable amount of destructive energy; it is almost impossible to overstate their power.     The detonation of a 1-megaton nuclear bomb is capable of generating heat several times that of the center of the Sun, with temperatures reaching 180 million degrees Fahrenheit. Today’s thermonuclear weapons use fission bombs like those used against the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to generate the extreme heat necessary to create a secondary fusion reaction, which yields a blast many orders of magnitude more powerful./

Patrick Lawrence: Portents of Chaos Uh-oh. The New York Times is picking up its familiar theme now that the Nov. 5 elections are but a few days out front: Those mal-intended foreigners are again “sowing discord and chaos in hopes of discrediting American democracy,” it reported in a piece published Tuesday.     The Beelzebubs haunting this political season, when everything would otherwise be orderly and altogether copacetic among Americans, are Russia, China and Iran.    Why can’t this year’s version of the old, reliable “Axis of Evil” leave us alone with our “democratic process,” the one the rest of the world envies and resents? Troublemakers, with all their “sowing.” You could probably call them “garbage” and get away with it.      Uh-oh. We’re already reading of tampered voter-registration forms and forged applications to vote by mail in two districts in Pennsylvania, the populous state where the results in 2020 could not have been blurrier and whose 19 Electoral College votes were decisive in getting Joe Biden into the White House last time around.    But not to worry. In a delightful reprise of one of the truly memorable phrases to come down to us from the 1960s, an election commissioner in one of the districts where officials uncovered the malfeasance tells us, “The system worked.” 

Using Any Metric, the U.S. Gamble to Harm Russia by Bombing Nordstream Was a Failure Years have passed since president Joe Biden allegedly ordered the bombing of the Nordstream 2 pipeline, and the dust has long settled. We can now answer whether the reckless white house gamble to damage Moscow succeeded or not. The answer is definitive: it failed.      But did the white house really commit this massive economic, political and climate crime? Well, renowned investigative reporter Seymour Hersh long ago concluded, with lots of insider pizazz, that it did.     Much more recently, on September 26, we very nearly got a smoking gun, namely verified reports of the surreptitious presence of U.S. navy warships with their transponders suspiciously OFF, near the crime scene, four or five days before the explosion.      These warships operated in the exclusive economic zone of Denmark. The captain of a small Danish port learned of this, but officials silenced him for years. Only recently could he speak out to Danish journalists. 

United States Armed and Funded Terrorist Middle East War/Palestinan Genocide:   When Biden Says ‘He’s a Zionist’ — Believe Him!

How a Secluded 1984 Conference Forged Israel’s Unprecedented Influence Over US Media As Israel’s October 1 invasion of Lebanon unfolds, the media’s complicity in shaping public perception raises urgent questions, particularly when viewed through the lens of a controversial 1984 conference where influential advertising and media figures gathered to refine Israel’s narrative strategies. This conference laid the groundwork for a sophisticated propaganda campaign—Hasbara—that sought to sanitize Israel’s actions and cast its military operations in a favorable light. Today, as Western journalists whitewash, distort, and conceal Israel’s the realities of Israel’s deadly campaign of violence, the enduring legacy of this meeting becomes alarmingly clear, revealing how narratives crafted decades ago continue to shape the coverage of a conflict that claims countless lives.  


Fund Climate! — Not Genocide! One of Many Ways to Begin to End Global Warming: Expose ‘Greenwashing’ — Tax the Polluters 100%!  After World War II Rosa Luxenburg Coined the Slogan: ‘S0cialism or Barbaism’! Now the Slogan Should Be: ‘Ecosocialism or Ecocide’!

We Must Hold These Monsters to Account!

Weekly average CO2 at Mauna Loa Week beginning on October 27, 2024: 423.14 ppm. Weekly value from 1 year ago: 418.90 ppm. Weekly value from 10 years ago:  397.57 ppm Last Updated November 2.

Global Methane CH4 Monthly Means June 2024: 1921.79 ppb June 2023:1915.73 ppb Last updated: Oct 05, 2024 

Company That Tracks Methane Leaks Says Crisis Worse ‘Than Ever Before’ The CEO of methane-tracking company GHGSat said that company satellites had detected around 20,000 oil and gas operations, coal mines, and landfills that spewed massive amounts methane since the end of 2023. The number of methane “super-emitters” detected by a satellite company has surged by approximately one-third over the past year, despite pledges from fossil fuel companies to reduce their emissions of the highly potent greenhouse gas.    Stephane Germain, the CEO of methane-tracking company GHGSattoldThe Associated Press on Thursday that company satellites had detected around 20,000 oil and gas operations, coal mines, and landfills that spewed 220 pounds of methane per hour since the end of 2023—up from around 15,000 the year before.     “The past year, we’ve detected more emissions than ever before,” Germain said, adding that existing data on methane emissions is only “scratching the surface” of the reality.

Black Liberation Civil Rights:


Shadow Government StatisticsJohn Williams, Shadow Government Statistics BannerHeadline October U.3 Unemployment Increased to 4.15%, from 4.05% in September,With the Broader U.6 and Headline October U.3 Unemployment Increased to 4.15%, from 4.05% in September, With the Broader U.6 and ShadowStats Alternet Rate, Including all Discouraged Workers. Estimates Holding Unchanged, Respectively at 7.7% and 25.7% in September.

Podcast:Nicole Foy on Immigration and Labor This week on CounterSpin: Reading the news today, you might not believe it, but there was a time, not long ago, in which it was acceptable to say out loud that immigration is a boon to this country, and immigrants should be welcomed and supported. Now, news media start with the premise of immigration itself as a “crisis,” with the only debate around how to “stem” or “control” it. That the conversation is premised on disinformation about crime and wages and the reasons US workers are struggling is lost in a fog of political posturing. But immigration isn’t going away, no matter who gains the White House. And children torn from parents, families sent back to dangerous places, workers’ rights denied based on status, won’t be any prettier a legacy, no matter who it’s attached to. Journalist Nicole Foy reports on immigration and labor at ProPublica. She wrote recently about the life and death of one man, Elmer De Leon Perez, as a sort of emblem of this country’s fraught, dishonest and obscured treatment of people who come here to work and make a life.



Health, Education, and Welfare:

USPS Overhaul Threatens to Dismantle National Postal Service Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s modernization plan may cost thousands of jobs and slow mail across the country. Workers are battling an overhaul of the U.S. Postal Service that would cost thousands of jobs and slow the mail for half the country.    In the name of efficiency, a letter mailed within Cheyenne, Wyoming, would travel to Denver and back. And if you miss a package, your local post office would no longer have it. It might be 45 minutes away.    In March, Buffalo became the first place to fend off the closure of its mail processing plant, in a team effort by Letter Carriers (NALC) Branch 3 and Postal Workers (APWU) Local 374.


ICE Has Been Lying About Its Racial Data Collection and Whitewashing Immigration Data, Advocacy Organizations Find The Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) is calling for a Department of Justice investigation into Immigration Customs Enforcement after records revealed that it has been lying about its racial data collection practices and classifying Black immigrants as white.     For years, BAJI and other organizations have demanded that ICE collect and publish racial and ethnic data about the thousands of migrants it detains each year in order to disclose and address racial biases. The Department of Homeland Security has responded that it does not collect such data. However,    information BAJI obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit reveals that immigration agencies do maintain racial and ethnic data—but inaccurately so.     BAJI said multiple ICE detention facilities classify just 50% of Gambian immigrants as Black, even though the American Community Survey suggests that 98% of people from Gambia self-identify as Black.    The American Immigration Council also reported that ICE classified 86% of immigrants in custody at a New Mexico detention facility as white, even though BAJI said many of those.



I Had a Dream: From Vietnam to GazaIsrael has reached an unimaginable peak of evil. And indeed many people all over the world find it hard to imagine that this is so. …The only possible conclusion must be that Israeli evil has nothing to do with Judaism and that what is manifested in Israeli behavior is not Jewishness. It is pure colonialist, nationalist and chauvinistic racism and should be treated as such.” –Nurit Peled-Elhanan at the Closing Session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, March 17, 2013 I recently had a horrific dream that transported me from the safety and peace of Vietnam to the blazing hell on earth that is Gaza. I was holding a sniper rifle and in my sights was an IDF soldier. There’s not a shred of doubt in my mind that I would have pulled the trigger had the dream not ended. While I’m a great supporter of non-violence, I also firmly believe in the right of self-defense, including in Gaza where Israel is the invader and a fanatical agent of genocide.



As the War Escalates: US Bombers Arrive in Middle East as Part of New Deployment for Israel US B-52 bombers arrived in the Middle East on Saturday as part of a new deployment to “defend” Israel amid speculation over whether or not Iran will respond to Israel’s October 26 attack.    “B-52 Stratofortress strategic bombers from Minot Air Force Base’s 5th Bomb Wing arrived in the US Central Command area of responsibility,” US Central Command wrote on X.    The Pentagon announced it was beefing up its military presence in the region on Friday, saying Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered the “deployment of additional ballistic missile defense destroyers, fighter squadron and tanker aircraft, and several US Air Force B-52 long-range strike bombers to the region.”