Daily News Digest September 12, 2022

Daily News Digest Archives

Images of the Day:

Pax Americana and The Failure of ‘Lesser Evilism’ Laura Gray’s cartoon from the front page of The Militant August 18, 1945, Under the Banner Headline: “There Is No Peace”

Capitalism as a Failed  System: World Capilalism Has Been Aware of the Comming Catastrophe of Global Warming  Over 5 Decades Ago and Did Nothing!:  Under Capitalism — Human Lives Don’t Matter  Capitalism Does Not, and Never Has, Worked for the Masses! In Its Death Agony, Capitalism Is Traveling About The World Like The Four Horsemen of the The Apocalypse, Spreading  Racism,  War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. The  very future of Humanity Is Now At stake!During This Economic Crisis, Capitalism’s Three-Point Political Program: 1.Austerity,2. Scapegoat Blacks, Minorities, and ‘Illegal’ Immigrants for Unemployment, and 3.  The Iron Heel!    For Decades, Blacks Have Been Subjected to The Iron Heel!   Currently, the US Capitalist Class is Divided Over When — Not If, to Apply It to Everyone!

Due to Years of Austerity, Cuts to Public Health Care, And An Anti-Science and Profiteering President, The United States Now Leads the World In  Coronavirus Cases and Deaths in the World!

Always Remember:  That President Obama, With a Majority Democrat Legislature Supported the Wall Street Bailout and Remember, That he Established, in writing,  the United States Capitalist Austerity Program. —  The Race to the Bottom/Pauperization of the 99%!

Democracy?: As the Capitalist Robber Barons Steal from the 99%,  Only the 1% Voted For Austerity!   The 99% Should Decide On Austerity — Not Just The 1%, Who Profit From Austerity!!  Under Austerity, All of the World Will Eventually Be Pauperized, Humbled, and Desecrated Like Greece and Puerto Rico.!   Socialism Means True Democracy, that the 99% Will Rule, Not the Few!

Quotes of the Day:

A capitalist system whose underlying tendency towards the ever-increasinf concentration of wealth and hence power repeatedly humiliate, de-legitimize and discredits democracy in the eyes of masses, helping open the door to authoritarian ‘solutions.” — Paul Street

Her legacy is colonialism, slavery, racism, loot, and plundering.” As millions of Britons and admirers the world over mourned Queen Elizabeth II’s death Thursday, others—especially in nations formerly colonized by the British Empire—voiced reminders of the “horrendous cruelties” perpetrated against them during the monarch’s reign. ”     “We do not mourn the death of Elizabeth, because to us her death is a reminder of a very tragic period in this country and Africa’s history,” declared Julius Malema, head of the left-wing Economic Freedom Fighters party in South Africa. — After Queen’s Death, Victims of British Imperialism Share Why ‘We Will Not Mourn  “This is Queen Elizabeth’s legacy. A legacy of colonial violence and plunder. A legacy of racial segregation and institutionalized racism.”

The Birth of Pax American and the ‘War on Terrororism’/World Terrorism!: Just before the 2000 Presidential Election, in September 2000, George Bush’s think tank, The Project for the New American Century, put into writing a document titled Rebuilding America’s Defenses, Forces and Resources For a New Century.     In that document they called for war upon Iraq, a US military presence in the middle east, and the construction of military bases throughout Asia and the world to enforce, what they termed, as a ‘strategic goal’, the preservation Pax Americana — the ‘new world order’ that was proclaimed after the first Gulf War.     There has been no objection or opposition, from the Democratic Party, to this ‘strategic goal’ for this century, even though the document stated, two years prior to 9/11: A transformation strategy that solely pursued capabilities for projecting force from the United States, for example, and sacrificed forward basing and presence, would be at odds with larger American policy goals and would trouble American allies. Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. When the September 11, 2002 implosion of the World Trade Center occurred, both the Democrats and the Republicans were united in taking the advantage of the ‘catastrophic and catalyzing event’ to begin to implement the first stage of Pax American-the war upon Iraq and to make the middle east a zone of ‘democratic peace’ — a safe area for exploitation and control, by the United States, or as the document stated: — Pax Americana and The Failure of ‘Lesser Evilism’

Videos of the Day:

The Chris Hedges Report: Why did Democrats give this pro-Trump GOP primary candidate $425,000?

United States:

The United States is not a Democracy (A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly)! Only the 1%, through their ownership of the Reublicrats and who profit from war and the war budget, vote for War and the war budget — A policy, which Gore Vidal called a  Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. — The 99% Should Decide On War — Not Just The 1% Who Profit From War!  Under a Democracy, The 99% would have the right to vote on the policy of Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace! The United States takes from the poor and gives to the Rich. Rax the Rich!  — They Can Afford To Pay!

We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.”  ― Louis Brandeis 

Two weeks ago, the leading mainstream political journal The Hill ran a story titled “Threats to Democracy Top List of Issues Facing US: Poll.” The lead ran as follows:     “Threats to democracy clocked in as the most important issue facing the country for a plurality of registered votersaccording to an NBC News poll. The poll found that 21 percent of respondents ranked threats to democracy as the most important issue, followed by 16 percent who indicated the cost of living and 14 percent who said jobs and the economy. When respondents were asked to choose their top two issues, threats to democracy tied with cost of living as a top concern for 29 percent of respondents. Jobs and the economy clocked in at 28 percent, followed by immigration and climate change.”     The NBC poll has been cited over and over by liberal cable news talking heads claiming that the main thing driving voters today is the danger to democracy posed by the Donald Trump “MAGA Republicans,” who were recently described by Joe Biden as “semi-fascists” – an understatement from a semi-liberal. — A Brazenly Moronic Sleight of Hand — Notice anything completely idiotic here? If not, look again: the NBC poll and The Hill moronically separate “the cost of living” from “jobs and the economy.” — Transparent Idiocy and Cynically Wishful Democratic Party Thinking: Reflections on a Poll and its Reporting

 Dusaster/Vulture Capitalism:  Wall Street Giants Set to Smash Profit Records Off Global Hunger, Energy Crisis “People’s misery makes capitalists’ superprofit,” said one critic as commodity traders make a killing off worldwide food and energy chaos. Russia’s war on Ukraine has wreaked havoc on global commodity markets, driving up energy and food prices and exacerbating hunger emergencies around the world. But while disastrous for the global poor—millions of whom are living on the brink of famine—the chaos has been a major boon for Wall Street giants, according to new data showing that the world’s 100 largest banks are on pace to smash commodity trading profit records this year. ” The 100 biggest banks by revenue are set to make $18 billion from commodities trading in 2022,”

Bloomberg   reported  Friday, citing figures from the London-based firm Vali Analytics. “That would be the highest in the data, which goes back 14 years, and exceed the previous high watermark in 2009.”

Proof that the 1% Control the Unreformable Democratic Party! ; ‘Abhorrent and Anti-Democratic’: Outrage as DNC Panel Blocks Vote on Dark Money Ban  “The Democratic Party, by not allowing this resolution to come to the floor, is complicit in the railroading of democracy itself,” said former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner. A Democratic National Committee panel on Thursday refused to allow a vote on a resolution aimed at banning dark money from the party’s primary process, a decision that sparked outrage from progressive DNC members and others who backed the proposal.

Environment: Ecosocialism or Ecocide!

‘We Must Wake Up!’ Study Says Climate Tipping Points Loom—But Some Are Avoidable The researchers’ findings offer a “compelling reason to limit additional warming as much as possible,” the paper asserts.  “Our new work provides compelling evidence that the world must radically accelerate decarbonizing the economy.”      In order to avert a series of “disastrous” climate tipping points, humanity must do “everything possible” to limit global heating to 1.5°C, warn the authors of a study published Thursday.     The analysis, published in Science, found that the climate emergency—which is caused largely by human burning of fossil fuels—has driven the planet to the brink of numerous “climate tipping points,” or CTPs.

‘Listen to the Frontlines’: DC Mobilization Demands Congress Stop Manchin’s Dirty Deal Calling the proposal “a wholesale giveaway to the fossil fuel industry to the detriment of frontline communities, tribal nations, and Mother Earth,” one campaigner said that “the world is on fire and negotiating the amount of fuel for those flames is not acceptable.”

Civil Rights/ Black Liberarion:

Cancer Alley:Environmental Racism:

Locals Celebrate ‘Tremendous Victory’ Against South Louisiana Methanol Petrochemical Complex The company “finally threw in the towel having learned that our community will not back down in the fight to protect our health and well-being from more industrial pollution,” said Sharon Lavigne of RISE St. James. Community organizers and their supporters are celebrating that after years of local resistance, South Louisiana Methanol won’t complete a stalled $2.2 billion petrochemical complex in a region known as “Cancer Alley.” “It took hundreds of residents banding together to force LDEQ to recognize how overburdened the community is with industrial pollution, and to show polluters that we will not accept another plant moving in.”

Indigenous Tribes Tried to Block a Car battery mine. But the Courts Stood in the Way! Legal setbacks in efforts to block a new lithium mine in Nevada’s Thacker Pass highlight how federal courts routinely fail to protect sacred lands


Analysis Shows ‘Quiet Fleecing’ of US Workers—Not ‘Quiet Quitting’—Is the Real Problem “Workers are more productive than ever, but their pay hasn’t kept pace while top 1% wages have skyrocketed,” says the Economic Policy Institute. That’s the argument put forth Friday by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), a progressive think tank with a long track record of popularizing research on wage suppression and runaway inequality. 

From The Condition of the United States Working Class —  Where Do We Go From Here?: Due the Labor Bureaucracy’s collaboration  with the Boss, Real Wages Have Been Cut Over 100% Since1974! — Wages Have Not Kept Up With Inflation! Since the Neoliberal Labor Bureaucracy declared itself to be in a  (Domestic) Partnership With the Boss’ (‘Bedding the Boss!’)!   was fully institutionalized starting in the mid-1980s, this ‘partnership’ gave birth to the one, two, three, etc. .. wage tier system! Selling out the futures of future young workers entering the labor force. And, since the lowest union wage is immediately the highest non-union wage, this wage tier system cut the wages of the entire working class!        When I was a union official, I called this system labors’ rush to the bottom!    The Graph Below is a Graphic Example of the Decline in Standard of Living of the Working Class, Since the Trade Union Bureaucracy Declared Itself to Be ‘In a (Domestic) Partnership With the Boss’(Class Cooperation)! Through the 1980s and 1990s they even included this ‘partnership’ into their work agreements and the partnership was fully established!  Starting in the mid-1980sThis ‘partnership’ gave birth to the one, two, three, three,  ect.  wage tier system! Selling out the futures of future young workers entering the labor force. And, since the lowest union wage is immediately the highest non-union wage, this wage tier system cut the wages of the entire working class!   When I was a union official, I called this system labors rush to the bottom!  As in graphically shown in this: Shadow Government Statistics Graph.  Real Wages have Fallen Since the Wage Price Freeze of 1972  (Shadow Government Statistics):  Graph 3 plots the seasonally-adjusted earnings as officially deflated by the BLS (red-line), and as adjusted for the ShadowStats-Alternate CPI Measure, 1990-Base (blue-line). When inflation-depressing methodologies of the 1990s began to kick-in, the artificially-weakened CPI-W (also used in calculating Social Security cost-of-living adjustments) helped to prop up the reported real earnings. Official real earnings today still have not recovered their inflation-adjusted levels of the early-1970s, and, at best, have been in a minimal uptrend for the last two decades (albeit spiked recently by negative headline inflation). Deflated by the ShadowStats (1990-Based) measure, real earnings have been in fairly-regular decline for the last four decades, which is much closer to common experience than the pattern suggested by the CPI-W. See the Public Commentary on Inflation Measurement for further detail. This process has led to a greater productivity and windfall profits for the capitalist, without more value being added to society.


The World Bank: Promoter of Starvation? When I was a graduate student in the 1970s, a professor suggested I read Michael Hudson’s Super Imperialism and do a paper on the World Bank. It was one of the bodies criticized by Hudson for its role in helping to cement and promote U.S. imperialism after World War II.     In a recent interview, Hudson said:     And what I discuss [in] Super Imperialism is how the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were created as a means of imposing a neoliberal, anti-government structure on the world to prevent other countries from regulating their industry or from regulating their agriculture.     The function of the World Bank basically was to make Third World countries, the Global South, dependent on the United States for their food supply, by only funding export agriculture, export plantation crops, not growing their own food. 

Shadow Governmeny Statisticss Daily Update

  • September 9th to 12th July 2022 Trade Deficit Narrowed on top of revised, deepened deficits in recent months.
  • August 2022 Headline Unemployment jumped 0.2%, to 3.7%, as the prior month’s July 2022 Pandemic “Recovery” in Payroll Employment disappeared, purportedly shifting now to August 2022, amidst regular BLS seasonal-adjustment reporting gimmicks.
  • Preliminary August 2022 Monetary Base gained in the month, reflecting Increasing Bank Reserves, held by Federal Reserve Banks, more than offsetting an unusual, albeit minimal, monthly drop in Currency in Circulation.
  • July 2022 Money Supply continued to increase, showing no noticeable slackening suggestive of pending Inflation relief. — No. 1461 should post in the next week, but its posting will be pre-announced here first. The next major economic release likely will be the August 2022 Cass Freight Index® Trade Deficit around Monday, September 12th.

After Funneling Trillions of Dollars in Repo Loans to Serial Bank Offenders, Lorie Logan Gets a $440,000 Job Running the Dallas Fed Bailing out the Wall Street megabanks that are serially fined and hit with felony counts appears to be catching on as a major career advancement strategy at the New York Fed. On August 22, Lorie Logan began her big promotion as President of the Dallas Fed, a position that paid $440,700 at the end of 2020. That’s $40,700 more than the salary of the President of the United States. Prior to joining the Dallas Fed, Logan was the Manager of the System Open Market Account (SOMA) at the New York Fed, effectively the Fed’s trading floor.


Queen Elizabeth Is Dead, But Her Bloody Legacy Lives On . . . For many, particularly in the global West, the Queen’s 70-year reign was marked by stability and diplomacy; under Elizabeth, the Royal Family has taken pains to distance itself from the country’s politics and the monarchy’s long colonial history.     But for millions of people who lived through and still suffer the consequences of the Royal Family’s brutal colonialism and racism both abroad and in the U.K., the Queen’s legacy will live on in the form of the violent and lasting rule that the Royal Family has overseen and still profits from.     Many defenders of the Royal Family argue that Queen Elizabeth should be shielded from such scrutiny because she distanced the family from this past and attempted to make amends to past and present colonies through events like Commonwealth tours.     Critics rebut this argument, saying that the Royal Family still hasn’t confronted its past or paid reparations to the people who continue to suffer as a result of the British monarchy, decades on from direct colonial rule. The Royal Family has also faced criticism for appearing to attempt to sweep its history under the rug, especially during the Queen’s platinum jubilee this year.     “By design as much as by the accident of her long life, her presence as head of state and head of the Commonwealth, an association of Britain and its former colonies, put a stolid traditionalist front over decades of violent upheaval,” wrote Harvard University history professor Maya Jasanoff for The New York Times. “As such, the queen helped obscure a bloody history of decolonization whose proportions and legacies have yet to be adequately acknowledged.”

Education, Health, Science, and Welfare:

The government of the United States can pass laws in a few days to spend tens of trillions of dollars for war and the bailout of Wall Street and the bankers. Yet, those who ‘:’, pass universal healthcare for themselves, but they cannot spend even one trillion dollars for universal health for those who are ‘governed’! This is what is considered, by the powers to be,  a democracy and part of the democratic way. — Roland Sheppard, Let the People  Vote on Healthcare  

The Covid Debacle Rolls On Americans still die of covid, at least 400 to 500 per day. The Centers for Disease Control tells us exposure no longer requires quarantine, and for the public generally, everyone’s so done with masks. That’s the state of the disease for us proles – do nothing to prevent catching it, while hoping, irrationally, that you won’t. Things are quite different at higher media and political altitudes. Though proconsuls featured in his news empire have been known to belittle the covid shot, reactionary mogul Rupert Murdoch has always, reportedly, been quite cautious about the disease, with underlings allegedly vaxxed and masked, before contact with him. The same holds true in the presidential aerie. Indeed, throughout most of Biden’s rule, anyone who wanted a session with him had to be tested and wear an N95 mask. Nothing relaxed about precautions for the man at the top. You can be sure that if one of his assistants is exposed to the virus, he or she isolates for a long while before being permitted back into the presidential presence.

 Scientists Develop Malaria Vaccine With ‘World-Changing’ Potential  “We really could be looking at a very substantial reduction in that horrendous burden of malaria,” said one of the researchers involved. Scientists from the University of Oxford have developed a malaria vaccine with “world-changing” potential,  BBCNews   reported  Wednesday, though getting shots into arms will require a renewed commitment to global health funding that advocates warn is in danger of being slashed. (II won’t work if the vaccines are privatized!)