Daily News Digest May 1, 2019

Daily News Digest May 1, 2019

Daily News Digest Archives

Live Updates: Venezuelan Govt Says Guaido Coup Failed, Lopez Hides in Chile’s EmbassyThe Venezuelan opposition lawmaker has once again called on the military to overthrow the legitimate government of President Nicolas Maduro. Juan Guaido, the opposition lawmaker who illegally proclaimed himself “interim president” of Venezuela Tuesday morning made a call on social media asking the military and people to begin an uprising against the legitimate government of President Nicolas Maduro. More Updates Un ‘World’

Today is May Day!

Why I Do Not Celebrate Labor Day But I celebrate May DayI celebrate May Day, but I don’t celebrate Labor Day — I just observe it. To me, Labor Day means the codification of the labor bureaucracy’s subservience to the capitalist class. That was the original purpose for the United States capitalist class when it made labor day a holiday. It was organized as such in opposition to the Labor Day that was/is celebrated everywhere else in the world — a demonstration class solidarity, — May Day!  May Day was  celebrated, in memory of the martyrs of the Haymarket Massacre in 1886 Chicago and the unending struggle of the world working class for their “unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By Roland Sheppard

Since World War I ‘the war to end all wars’ there have been perpetual wars for perpetual peace, Laura Gray’s cartoon from the front page of The Militant August 18, 1945, under banner headline: “There Is No Peace,” Could Still Be Published Today!

During This Economic Crisis, Capitalism’s Three Point Political Program: Austerity, Scapegoat Blacks, Minorities, and ‘Illegal’ Immigrants for Unemployment, and  The Iron Heel.

Democracy?:  As the Capitalist Robber Barons Steal from the 99%: Only the 1% Voted For Austerity — The 99% Should Decide On Austerity — Not Just The 1% Who Profit From Austerity!  Under Austerity, All of the World Will Eventually Be Pauperized, Humbled, and Desecrated Like Greece and Puerto Rico.

Images of the Day:

Fight for the Hour Day – Haymarket Rally — Police RiotLeaflet for 8 Hour Day

Videos of the Day:

Venezuela’s Guaidó Falsely Claims Military Uprising in Progress: Mainstream Media Falls in Line

130,000 Years of American History

Study: As Climate Crisis Has Worsened, So Has Global Economic InequalityIn a new study out by Stanford researchers reviewing half a century of data, researchers found that as rich countries get richer, they also have more temperate climates and face less of the brunt of climate impacts

Economic Update: Capitalism vs. Socialism This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff does something a little different. He dives deep into the 200+ year old debate and struggle between capitalism and socialism and looks into how it has become both confused and confusing. The different definitions of these systems make honest, balanced discussions and evaluations of them increasingly more difficult. Now that socialism is rising yet again to challenge capitalism, the debate demands a closer examination of the terms and their numerous, new and different meanings.

Quotes of the Day:

These figures cover contracts for equipment, such as privacy fencing, portable bathrooms, tents, and barricades. In one instance, the Secret Service paid $15,600 for bulletproof glass so Trump could attend the Presidents Cup professional golf tournament in New Jersey in October 2017. Golf carts are a major expense, with the agency paying out at least $295,000 (other estimates place the number even higher). The Secret Service did not respond to request for comment. Not included in these totals are the staff hours and travel costs associated with Trump’s golf trips. The website TrumpGolfCount.com has tallied 170 presidential trips to golf courses (all but one of those to a Trump-owned golf course) since his inauguration and estimates that taxpayers have spent as much as $99 million for Trump to play—and perhaps cheat at—golf. — The Secret Service Is Racking Up Huge Expenses so Trump Can (Allegedly Cheat At) Golf


The United States is not a Democracy (A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly)! Only the 1%, through their ownership of the Republicrats and who profit from war and the war budget, vote for War and the war budget — A policy, which Gore Vidal called a  Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.— The 99% Should Decide On War — Not Just The 1% Who Profit From War!  Under a Democracy, The 99% would have the right to vote on the policy of Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace!

‘The Statue of Liberty Is Not a Toll Booth’: Outrage as Trump Moves to Impose Fees on Asylum Seekers“Charging asylum application fees puts a dollar amount on helping migrants escape persecution. It is pure villainy.” In a move immigrant rights groups decried as the White House’s latest inhumane attack on those fleeing violence and persecution, President Donald Trump late Monday ordered sweeping changes to the U.S. asylum system, including restriction of work permits and a fee for asylum applications.  By Jake Johnson

Will Our Domination be Our Downfall? For those of us who’ve been paying attention to the general state of the world and human society, it’s readily apparent that we as a species have sent ourselves hurtling into the depths of a global crisis that has the potential to wipe ourselves out along with many of our fellow Earthlings. So how exactly how has this happened?  It’s easy and certainly well justified to point our finger at the many harmful industries that have emerged from our society—fossil fuels, unsustainable agriculture, overfishing, mining, the military complex, etc. (have a look at this list of Harmful Practices Critiqued for a more extensive list). And yet what if there is a deeper cause that we can point to—a common “seed” that underlies all of these harmful industries and practices? By Paris Williams

The Last Battle The Cree have been under relentless assault since the arrival of the European colonialists in the 1500s. Now the 500 inhabitants of the Cree reserve, where many live in small, boxy prefabricated houses, are victims of a new iteration of colonial exploitation, one centered on the extraction of oil from the vast Alberta tar sands. This atrocity presages the destruction of the ecosystem on which they depend for life. If the Cree do not stop the exploiters this time, they, along with the exploiters, will die.  The reserve is surrounded by the tar sands, one of the largest concentrations of crude oil in the world. The sands produce 98% of Canada’s oil and are the United States’ largest source of imported oil. This oil, among the dirtiest fossil fuels on earth, is a leading cause of atmospheric pollution, releasing massive amounts of carbon dioxide. The production and consumption of one barrel of tar sands crude oil release 17% more carbon dioxide than production and consumption of a standard barrel of oil. By Christ HedgesBoeing Mismanagers Forfeit Your Pay and Resign: An Open Letter to Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg… Your narrow-body passenger aircraft – namely, the long series of 737’s that began in the nineteen sixties was past its prime. How long could Boeing avoid making the investment needed to produce a “clean-sheet” aircraft and, instead, in the words of Bloomberg Businessweek “push an aging design beyond its limits?” Answer: As long as Boeing could get away with it and keep necessary pilot training and other costs low for the airlines as a sales incentive. To compete with the Airbus A320neo, Boeing equipped the 737 MAX with larger engines tilted more forward and upward on the wings than prior 737’s. Thus, began the trail of criminal negligence that will implicate the company and its executives. The larger engines changed the center of gravity and the plane’s aerodynamics. Boeing management was on a fast track and ignored warnings by its own engineers, not to mention scores of other technical aerospace people outside the company. By Ralph Nader


The Last Time There Was This Much CO2, Trees Grew at the South PoleIt is palpable now. Even the most ardent deniers of human-caused climate disruption can feel the convulsions wracking the planet.  I truly believe this, given that, essentially, we are all of and from the Earth. Deep down inside all of us is the “fight or flight” instinct. Like any other animal, our very core knows when we are in danger, as the converging crises descend ever closer to home, wherever we may find ourselves on the globe. By Dahr Jamail

US Fracked Gas Imports to EU Could ‘Take World Far Beyond Safe Climate Limits’, Campaigners Warn Environmental activists representing more than 200 organisations have called on the EU and the US to put an end to a booming transatlantic trade in fracked gas or face “taking the world far beyond safe climate limits”.  In an open letter to the EU Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete and US Energy Secretary Rick Perry, campaigners warn that the continued use and import of fracked gas “torpedoes critical climate targets and violates basic human rights”. The statement comes after the US Department of Energy announced By Chloe Farand

   Black Liberation/Civil Rights:

Black Agenda Radio, Week of May 1, 2019


Watch: In Under Three Minutes, Labour Party Shows How Benefits for Working Families Help the EconomyFive ordinary British voters quickly put pay raises and other benefits back into economy, while billionaires simply send their tax cuts “to the Cayman Islands with the rest” By Julia Conley


Live Updates: Guaido Allies Tricked Soldiers into Supporting Coup, Says Venezuelan Defense Minister The Venezuelan opposition lawmaker has once again called on the military to overthrow the legitimate government of President Nicolás Maduro  Juan Guaido, the opposition lawmaker who illegally self-proclaimed “interim president” of Venezuela,  Tuesday morning made a call on social media asking the military and people to begin an uprising against the legitimate government of President Nicolas Maduro. Main government officials have rejected the attempted coup and called on the country’s population to do the same and march towards the Miraflores presidential palace to protect the country from the far-right, U.S.-backed coup.US Publicly Admits Support for Coup Attempt in VenezuelaOne of the first to ratify his support for the coup was U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, who has tweeted 30 messages vehemently to express his desire to see President Maduro deposed. International law seems to matter little to the United States (U.S.) government as they once again have publicly expressed support for a coup attempt against the constitutional and democratically elected government of Venezuela.Live Updates: Venezuelans Gather at Presidential Palace to Reject Coup AttemptThe Venezuelan opposition lawmaker has once again called on the military to overthrow the legitimate government of President Nicolás Maduro The self-proclaimed “interim president” of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, went live on Twitter this morning to call on the military and people to begin an uprising against the legitimate government of President Nicolas Maduro. Main government officials have rejected the attempted coup and called on the country’s population to reject the coup and march towards the Miraflores presidential palace to protect the country from the far-right, U.S.-backed coup.Venezuelan Defense Minister Rejects Guaido’s Calls For Coup The Venezuelan opposition lawmaker has once again called on the military to overthrow the legitimate government of President Nicolás Maduro The self-proclaimed “interim president” of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, went live on Twitter this morning to call on the military and people to begin an uprising against the legitimate government of President Nicolas Maduro. Main government offcials have rejected the attamepted coup and called on the country’s population to reject the coup and march towards the Miraflores presidential palace to protect the country from the far-right, U.S.-backed coup.

Spain: The Right Suffer Resounding Defeat In The ElectionsThe elections demonstrate a sharp polarisation in society between the right and left. The whole election campaign revolved around the attempt of the three right-wing parties, PP, Ciudadanos and the far right Vox, to repeat the government coalition they had formed in Andalucía after the regional elections there. The PSOE ran a campaign based on the idea of counterposing “the past against the future”, the “Spain of reaction versus the Spain of progress”. This is what led to a high voter turnout and support for left-wing parties, showing a strong class consciousness in the Spanish working class, who recognise the threat posed by the PP, Ciudadanos and Vox, and wanted to block a reactionary government with the participation of the far right. By Rob Smith


Reuters Drops a Bombshell: The Big Short Doomsday Machine Is BackIn what can only be described as a new low in defining deviancy down on Wall Street, Thomson Reuters’ International Financing Review (IFR) reported this past weekend that some of the biggest names on Wall Street have returned to creating and/or trading synthetic collateralized debt obligations (Synthetic CDOs). The products were a major factor in bringing the U.S. financial system to the brink of failure in 2008. Synthetic CDOs also resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in fines and reputational damage to these same Wall Street behemoths as investigators found that the firms were allowing hedge funds to pick “crap” subprime mortgage bonds to stuff in the CDOs in order to make windfall profits for the hedge fund, which shorted (bet against) the CDOs. The Wall Street firms had full knowledge of what the hedge funds were doing but, nonetheless, peddled the investments as sound to unsuspecting investors. In some instances, the same Wall Street firm that was selling the product as a good investment to public pension funds, school districts, churches and insurance companies, was also making short bets itself against the CDO. In at least one case involving Goldman Sachs, it placed a 10 to 1 short bet on failure of its own product. By Pam Martens and Russ Martens

Health, Education, and Welfare:

The government of the United States can pass laws in a few days to spend tens of trillions of dollars for war and the bailout of Wall Street and the bankers. Yet, those who ‘govern’, pass universal healthcare for themselves, but they cannot spend even one trillion dollars for universal health for those who are ‘governed’! This is what is considered, by the powers the to be,  a democracy and part of the democratic way. — Roland Sheppard, Let The People Vote on Healthcare!