Daily News Digest Archives
During This Economic Crisis, Capitalism’s Three Point Political Program: 1. Austerity, 2. Scapegoating Blacks, Minorities, and ‘Illegal Immigrants’ for Unemployment, and 3. The Iron Heel.
Democracy?: As the Capitalist Robber Barons Steal from the 99% — Only the 1% Voted For Austerity — The 99% Should Decide On Austerity — Not Just Those Who Profit From Austerity! Under Austerity, All of the World Will Eventually Be Pauperized, Humbled, and Desecrated Like Greece and Puerto Rico!
Daily News Digest September 20, 2017
Images of the Day:
I.F. Stone was actually onto this story years before some historians were able to use belatedly and reluctantly released classified documents to confirm the lies, deceptions and misrepresentations. [See: I. F. Stone’s Weekly, following further “testimony” from McNamara in 1968.Gulf of Tonkin
Quotes of the Day:
“The U.S. is threatening nuclear annihilation of North Korea, day-in and day-out,” said Sara Flounders, of the United National Anti-War Movement. However, North Korea refuses to give up its nukes, knowing that “the very countries that agreed to disarm” under U.S. threats “ended up in ruins,” said Flounders, “like Libya.” — Black Agenda Radio“In 2005, an internal National Security Agency historical study was declassified; it concluded[1] that USS Maddox had engaged the North Vietnamese on August 2, but that there may not have been any North Vietnamese vessels present during the engagement of August 4. The report stated :[I]t is not simply that there is a different story as to what happened; it is that no attack happened that night. […] In truth, Hanoi’s navy was engaged in nothing that night but the salvage of two of the boats damaged on August 2. Source: Gulf of Tonkin incident: [Robert J. Hanyok, “Skunks, Bogies, Silent Hounds, and the Flying Fish: The Gulf of Tonkin Mystery, 2-4 August 1964”, Cryptologic Quarterly, Winter 2000/Spring 2001 Edition, Vol. 19, No. 4 / Vol. 20, No. 1.] Hanyok article (page 177) The August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident, where U.S. warships were allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese PT Boats, was cited by President Lyndon B. Johnson as a legitimate provocation mandating U.S. escalation in Vietnam, yet Tonkin was a staged charade that never took place. It just proves that our government will lie to the American people to go to war, which is exactly what the Bush Administration did to attack Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2002. — The Fraudulent Gulf of Tonkin Incident in Vietnam
Videos of the Day:
White Police, Black Unarmed Suspects Glen Ford discusses the recent acquittal of White St. Louis Police Officer Jason Stockley and the uprising that followed
World’s Largest Pyramid Discovered — Lost Mayan City Of Mirador
‘Genocidal’ Trump Blasted for Threatening to ‘Totally Destroy North Korea’ “Reminder,” says one critic of president’s speech to UN General Assembly: “threatening to kill 25 million North Koreans because you don’t like their leader is threatening to commit genocide. By Jake Johnson
US Says No Money for Social Programs, But ‘$700 Billion to Kill People? Yeah That We Have’ “We’re constantly told the US ‘can’t afford’ single-payer health care, while 89% of senators vote for $0.7 trillion for Pentagon warmongering.” By Jake Johnson
Obama Goes From White House to Wall Street in Less Than One Year Hillary Clinton says she made a mistake when she gave speeches on Wall Street after leaving government. Taking money from banks, she writes in her new memoir, created the impression she was in their pocket. Her old boss doesn’t seem to share her concern. By Max Abelson
Obama: Promises Getting the Gulf of Tonkin Wrong: Are Ken Burns and Lynn Novick “Telling Stories” About the Central Events Used to Legitimize the US Attack Against Vietnam? I was astonished to hear the “Narrator” in one of these excerpts refer to “retaliation for the Gulf of Tonkin.” I was doubly astonished when I heard Burns use this exact same phrase — “retaliation for the Gulf of Tonkin” — during the discussion and Q&A which followed the screening, and in a different context. (Was it on his mind for some reason?) By James M. Williamson
The Fraudulent Gulf of Tonkin Incident in Vietnam The history being taught to most students today, from grade school to college, is a a pack full of malicious lies. Something you won’t learn about in any government-controlled classroom is the truth about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which took place in 1964, and was used to go to war against Vietnam, costing 58,000 American soldiers lives. I’ve heard numerous preachers blame the hippies for losing the war; but the truth is that the American people were once again betrayed by some treasonous leaders. It was a war we had no business being involved with as a nation, based upon fabricated lies, just like the Iraqi War. By David J. Stewart
BlackLiberation/Civil Rights:
Capitalism’s Racism in Action: The Stockley Verdict in St. Louis Three years ago, the police murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO brought to the surface the brutality faced by the black and poor population of the city of St. Louis and its surrounding suburbs. Now, the city finds itself in the news again with a murderous police officer at the center of the story. Brown’s killing in 2014 at the hands of Ferguson PD officer Darren Wilson was simply the spark that ignited a flame that eventually became known as Black Lives Matter. Today, however, none of the problems which caused this social explosion have been resolved. In fact, they have only worsened. By Chris Bergh and Erika Roedl
The Greatest Threat Facing America The greatest threat facing America is not “radical Islamic terrorism.” Nor is it North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons, eliciting American UN ambassador Nikki Haley’s propagandistic charge that Kim Jong-un is ”begging for war.“ Nor is America’s greatest threat Muslim immigrants’ believed to be intent on gaining power and establishing Sharia law. Nor is it hordes of “criminally-disposed” Mexicans, whose “invading” presence is assumed to require more deportation officers and a border wall. Neither is it “inner city crime.” Nor is it about Black Lives Matter people, who are seen by many as a threat to established white status quo order. by Rev. William Alberts
Black Agenda Radio, week of September 18, 2017
“Grassroots Pressure” Propels Single Payer: The endorsement of Bernie Sanders Medicare For All bill by 15 Democratic senators is “the result of direct, grassroots pressures,” said Dr. Margaret Flowers, of Health Over Profits. Flowers said Sanders’ bill is strong on women’s reproductive rights but weaker on issue of long term care.
North Korea Stands Firm: “The U.S. is threatening nuclear annihilation of North Korea, day-in and day-out,” said Sara Flounders, of the United National Anti-War Movement. However, North Korea refuses to give up its nukes, knowing that “the very countries that agreed to disarm” under U.S. threats “ended up in ruins,” said Flounders, “like Libya.”
Paul Street on Ta-Nehesi Coates’ “Bullshit”: Ta-Nehesi Coates, the Black writer for the neoliberal Atlantic magazine, accuses what he calls “the left” of subordinating race to class. “Bullshit,” said historian and author Paul Street, in the title of his Counterpunch article. “Coates doesn’t seem to know a lot about ‘movement’ leftists,” most of whom see race and class as inseparable, said Street. He said Coates lives in the bourgeois world of Democratic politics.
Parents Oppose Excessive Testing: A poll commissioned by the American Federation of Teachers shows 61 percent of public school parents think too much emphasis is placed on testing, and what schools need most is more funding. Only 11 percent say there is not enough “choice” in the pubic schools. Dr. Monty Neill, of Fair Test, said most parents don’t agree with the “testing ideology” promoted by big business and media.