Daily News Digest January 20, 2017

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As the Capitalist Robber Barons Steal from the 99% — Only the 1% Voted For Austerity — The 99% Should Decide On Austerity — Not Just The 1% Who Profit From Austerity!

Daily News Digest January 20, 2017

Image of the Day:

Don’t Judge Sessions by His Cover By Khalil BendibQuotes of the Day:

Sheroes and heroes are people who take risks, who make great personal sacrifices to perform difficult and important duties for others. By that standard John Lewis and the six hundred who walked that bridge in Selma Alabama 52 years ago are heroes whose actions helped pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Let’s agree on that. But long should that hero pass last? How many years, how many decades do you get to to boast and roast and toast and coast before you need to do something else even mildly heroic to keep your status current? It’s not like Lewis has lacked new chances to serve the people this last half century. He’s represented a metro Atlanta district in Congress the past 28 years. Ruled by black mayors and the black political class since 1973, Atlanta has billed itself as “Black Mecca” though for more than half of black Atlanta there’s been little to celebrate. Black mayors have relentlessly gentrified the city, starting with the Carter Presidential Library in the 80s, the Olympics in the 90s, and after that demolition of public housing, privatization of the land under it, and the BeltLine project which steals $150 million annually from Atlanta’s public schools to build yuppie housing and shopping destinations. Marquee “development” projects have driven a six figure number of poorer black residents from the city. John Lewis never says a mumbling word about any of this. John Lewis never publicly contradicts the black Atlanta mayors who crack down on the homeless, who line up for the privatization of public property, public transit and public schools. Perhaps being a Legendary Civil Rights Hero puts him above all that. Supporting Hillary Clinton last year, Lewis spoke out against free health care and free college tuition which many countries grant their young people, explaining that “free stuff” was just not the American Way. Lewis was also an early member of the Democratic Leadership Council, which irretrievably locked that party into subservience to its one percenter donors. — Bruce Dixon, Is It Time To Revoke John Lewis’s Lifetime Civil Rights Hero Pass?

Here’s William Blum’s list of U.S. attempts to overthrow governments (asterisks where successful): China 1949 to early 1960s. Albania 1949-53, East Germany 1950s, Iran 1953 *, Guatemala 1954 *, Costa Rica mid-1950s, Syria 1956-7, Egypt 1957. Indonesia 1957-8, British Guiana 1953-64, *, Iraq 1963 *, North Vietnam 1945-73, Cambodia 1955-70 *, Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *, Ecuador 1960-63 *, Congo 1960 *, France 1965, Brazil 1962-64 *, Dominican Republic 1963 *, Cuba 1959 to present, Bolivia 1964 *, Indonesia 1965 *, Ghana 1966 *, Chile 1964-73 *, Greece 1967 *, Costa Rica 1970-71,Bolivia 1971 *Australia 1973-75 *, Angola 1975, 1980s, Zaire 1975, Portugal 1974-76 *, Jamaica 1976-80 *,  Seychelles 1979-81, Chad 1981-82 *, Grenada 1983 *, South Yemen 1982-84, Suriname 1982-84, Fiji 1987 *, Libya 1980s, Nicaragua 1981-90 *, Panama 1989 *, Bulgaria 1990 *, Albania 1991 *, Iraq 1991
Afghanistan 1980s *, Somalia 1993, Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *, Ecuador 2000 *, Afghanistan 2001 *,Venezuela 2002 *, Iraq 2003 *, Haiti 2004 *, Somalia 2007 to present, Honduras 2009, Libya 2011 *, Syria 2012, Ukraine 2014 *. Power then explains what her point is, what she wants done. She wants NATO funded and put on hair trigger alert. And she wants $1 billion in anti-Russian propaganda: . . . — Samantha Power Can See Russia from Her Padded Cell

Videos of the Day:

John Pilger Obama “Served the Power…He was Meant to Serve.”

Wilbur Ross’s Economic Expertise: Exploiting Tax Law White collar criminologist Bill Black says Donald Trump is the only president in modern times who has not disclosed, nor will end, his massive conflicts of interest before taking office

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is a ‘Horrifying Prospect’ for Public Schools Responding to the DeVos confirmation hearings, award-winning Chicago public school teacher Erika Wozniak says bi-partisan support for school privatization paved the way for Trump’s Education Secretary


Martin Luther King Jr. Celebrations Overlook His Critiques of Capitalism and Militarism By Zaid Jilani

King and Dr. Benjamin Spock at the head of the Anti-Vietnam War March from Central Park to the United Nations Building, New York City, April 15,1967 

Military Contractor Erik Prince Is a Shadow in Trump’s Administration A former senior U.S. official says the Blackwater founder has been advising Donald Trump’s team on matters related to intelligence and defense, The Intercept reports. Samantha Power Can See Russia from Her Padded Cell  At the Atlantic Council — a “think” tank funded by such bastions of democracy as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, not to mention that center of peaceful nonviolence NATO — Samantha Power announced on Tuesday that Russia is a menacing danger to the United States of America and to the rule of law in the world, which statement in fact constituted a menacing danger to the U.S. and to the rule of law in the world. “For years, we have seen Russia take one aggressive and destabilizing action after another. We saw it in March 2014, not long after mass peaceful protests in Ukraine brought to power a government that favored closer ties with Europe, when Russia dispatched its soldiers to the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. The ‘little green men,’ as they came to be called, for Russia denied any ties to any of them, rammed through a referendum at the barrel of a gun, which Mr. Putin then used to justify his sham attempted annexation of Crimea.” By David Swanson

America’s Russian Problem Russian-American relations over the past several years have taken on some of the most familiar aspects of the Cold War.  The conventional wisdom is extremely one-side, concluding that Russian President Vladimir Putin is entirely responsible for the setback as a result of his actions in Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine and Syria, and that the Russian leadership is not trustworthy on any diplomatic or political level.  This is a simplistic view. by Melvin Goodman  Fight for Socialism! A Program to Defeat Trump  Donald Trump has no mandate for his policies! Less than 25% of the voting-age population voted for Trump and he is the most unpopular incoming president since records began after WWII. Trump even received fewer popular votes than Hillary Clinton—yet he will be the president. We offer zero support to either of these big-business candidates and parties, but it is clear that the Electoral College is an undemocratic violation of the basic principle of “one person, one vote” and should be abolished!  Environment:

Ongoing Big Energy Crisis:

Why capitalism is hopelessly addicted to fossil fuels With Donald Trump in the White House the future for our climate looks bleak, but capitalism’s love affair with fossil energy runs much deeper than the desires and personalities of individual politicians. By Amy LeatherBlack Liberation/ Civil Rights:

Is It Time To Revoke John Lewis’s Lifetime Civil Rights Hero Pass? John Lewis was a hero 52 years ago. What’s he doing nowadays with his Lifetime Civil Rights Hero pass? He’s a 14 term Atlanta congressman with nary a word to say on gentrification or the privatization of schools, roads, nature and the commons. He’s a pacifist with a US Navy ship named after him who votes for the NSA, Pentagon budgets, and re-arming apartheid Israel. Now his sainthood is useful again. But to whom and for what? A Black Agenda Radio Commentary by BAR managing editor Bruce A. DixonLabor:

 Forms of child labor, including indentured servitude and child slavery, have existed throughout American history. As industrialization moved workers from farms and home workshops into urban areas and factory work, children were often preferred, because factory owners viewed them as more manageable, cheaper, and less likely to strike. Growing opposition to child labor in the North caused many factories to move to the South. By 1900, states varied considerably in whether they had child labor standards and in their content and degree of enforcement. By then, American children worked in large numbers in mines, glass factories, textiles, agriculture, canneries, home industries, and as newsboys, messengers, bootblacks, and peddlers. In the early decades of the twentieth century, the numbers of child laborers in the U.S. peaked. Child labor began to decline as the labor and reform movements grew and labor standards in general began improving, increasing the political power of working people and other social reformers to demand legislation regulating child labor. Union organizing and child labor reform were often intertwined, and common initiatives were conducted by organizations led by working women and middle class consumers, such as state Consumers’ Leagues and Working Women’s Societies. These organizations generated the National Consumers’ League in 1899 and the National Child Labor Committee in 1904, which shared goals of challenging child labor, including through anti-sweatshop campaigns and labeling programs. The National Child Labor Committee’s work to end child labor was combined with efforts to provide free, compulsory education for all children, and culminated in the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938, which set federal standards for child labor. — Child Labor in U.S. History, Child Labor Public Education Project

Right to Work and the Apartheid State As I’ve argued many times, there are plenty of reasons why people who believe in human freedom and free markets should oppose so-called “right-to-work” laws. And University of Arkansas Professor Michael Pierce, in a recent article for Labor Online (“The Origins of Right-to-WorkVance Muse, Anti-Semitism, and the Maintenance of Jim Crow Labor Relations,” Jan. 12), now gives us some new ones. by Kevin Carson


Obama’s Perpetual Farewell Tour  The man who was compared to a Messiah when he won the presidential election in 2008 has been on an excruciatingly long goodbye tour. First there was his farewell speech to the United Nations in September. Next came his farewell tour across Europe in November – the Messiah’s last foreign trip. Then there was his farewell speech in the U.S. Yesterday, there was a tortuously vacuous farewell press conference, which toward the end, had the feeling that actors from central casting had replaced real journalists in the press room in order to memorialize the greatness of this President. By Pam Martens 


How poor countries finance the rich In one year, rich countries take $2 trillion more from poor countries than they return in aid and investment. The countries that brag most about their foreign aid are enabling mass theft. By Jason Hickel 

Chinese Billionaire Says US Wasted Trillions on Wars and Wall Street Alibaba founder Jack Ma said the U.S. should stop blaming other countries for stealing jobs and, instead, invest in ‘your own people’ By Lauren McCauley

Health, Science, Education, and Welfare:

Health Care Repeal Is a Stealth Tax Break for Millionaires If Obama’s health law is reversed, taxes will go down for the rich and up for the poor, while millions lose coverage. By Josh Hoxie Nothing is Real: When Reality TV Programming Masquerades as Politics by John W. Whitehead