Daily News Digest December 20, 2016

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As the Capitalist Robber Barons Steal from the 99% — Only the 1% Voted For Austerity — The 99% Should Decide On Austerity — Not The 1% Who Profit From Austerity!

Daily News Digest December 20, 2016

Images of the Day:

The United States Has Never Been a ‘Peace Loving’ NationimageofthedayTrump’s Lying/Ignorant Education Headimageoftheday2 Quotes of the Day:

Although the roots of Christmas lie in the commemoration of ancient rural ways which centred on humanity’s relationship with the natural environment, it has pretty much become a festival for an urban, media-manipulated population for whom the original customs and beliefs have been lost. The ultimate irony (and hypocrisy) it that Christmas is now cheer-led and celebrated by a consumer capitalism whose corporations are destroying the environment through, for example, the genetic engineering of crops, the drenching of soil with agrotoxins, the eradication of indigenous cultures and agriculture and the privatisation of land, seeds and water. And they are doing this by ‘playing god’. — Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly? Celebrating the Corporate Plunder of Agriculture

All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.— Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations

Videos of the Day:

Eva Bartlett: What’s really going on in Syria?

The unasked question: Why are we there? It’s not a civil war

Obama legacy — Jail for real journalists: Why is Obama keeping this good man in prison?


It’s Timeitstime NSA Whistleblower Destroys Obama’s Russia Narrative – “Hard Evidence Points To An Inside Leak, Not Hacking”  A group of retired senior intelligence officials, including the NSA whistleblower William Binney (former Technical Director, World Geopolitical & Military Analysis, NSA), have posted an open letter on consortiumnews.com that destroys the Obama administration’s “Russian hacking” narrative.  Within the letter, Binney argues that, thanks to the NSA’s “extensive domestic data-collection network,” any data removed remotely from Hillary Clinton or DNC servers would have passed over fiber networks and therefore would have been captured by the NSA who could have then analyzed packet data to determine the origination point and destination address of those packets.  As Binney further notes, the only way the leaks could have avoided NSA detection is if they were never passed over fiber networks but rather downloaded to a thumb drive by someone with internal access to servers. by Tyler Durdennsawhistleblower‘Supervillian’ Rex Tillerson Also Runs This Tax-Hating US-Russian Oil Company Leaked documents show Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State is director of subsidiary based in Bahamas by Jon Queallysupervillian Environment:

The Corporate Food Industry Has Created a Diet That Is Literally Killing Us Thom Hartmann investigates how to break free from what’s dangerous in your diet. By Thom Hartmannthomhartmann Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly? Celebrating the Corporate Plunder of Agriculture While Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ on 25 December, that date was probably originally chosen due to the winter solstice on the ancient Roman calendar or because of one of the various other ancient seasonal festivals and celebrations around that time. by Colin Todhunter

If You Want to See How Donald Trump Will Destroy the Environment, Read This Legislative Roadmap If you’ve been wondering which environmental protections the incoming administration will target and how exactly they’ll try to undo them, take a look at the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s legislative agenda, “Free to Prosper.” Just a few months ago, this radical plan to dismantle environmental safeguards would have been dismissed as the wacky wish list of a conservative fringe group. But with Donald Trump headed to the White House and Myron Ebell, CEI’s director, overseeing the transition of the Environmental Protection Agency, the report, which was released last week, is a chilling preview of the attacks on environmental and health regulations that are likely to come — and a must-read for anyone trying to avert them. By Sharon Lerner sharon-lernerOngoing Big Energy Crisis:

Critics Say Florida Utilities Are Building ‘Unnecessary’ Gas Infrastructure For Profit While Customers Foot Bill On an August 2015 earnings call, Kelcy Warren, CEO of natural gas company Energy Transfer Partners, acknowledged that “the pipeline business will overbuild until the end of time.” Critics of Florida’s utilities say they believe Warren. They point to state regulators allowing Florida Power and Light (FPL) to build not only new power plants using fracked gas from as far away as Pennsylvania and Texas but also natural gas infrastructure that includes the $3 billion Sabal Trail Pipeline. And Florida residents are footing the bill for these efforts. By Larry Buhlflorida Black Liberation/ Civil Rights:


James O’Brien Passionately Argues Against Vilification Of Striking Workers As papers carry headlines of Christmas chaos caused by striking workers, James makes a brilliant case for why people should support them. It was announced today that Post Office workers would go on strike this week. Last week we witnessed chaos at Birmingham prison. These two things are linked and James says it’s very important we understand why.jamesobrian Economy: 

100 CEOs Have as Much Retirement Savings as 116 Million Americans New report spotlights massive retirements savings divide  While many Americans are facing a “frightening retirement reality,” 100 CEOs are looking at “colossal nest eggs” and can look forward to monthly retirement checks of over $250,000 for the rest of their lives. by Andrea Germanos 100ceos Economics: the Science of Plunder In these days of economic stagnation, misery and insecurity, housing bubbles and the growing pre-cariate it seems appropriate to speculate on what Shakespeare  might have written today were he penning a modern rewrite of Henry the Sixth. His character was voicing support for Jack Cade whose revolutionary vision cast lawyers as paper shuffling parasites ruining the lives of the common people. In the past twenty-five years that ignoble role has been usurped by economists. I liked them better when economics was called the dismal science – now the profession is simply a self-satisfied apologia for the plunder of society’s wealth by the greedy and ruthless 1% – the ‘masters of mankind.’ by Murray DobbinscienceofplunderwallstreetonparadeHas America Fallen? Krugman and Europeans Raise the Question. Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman is raising a question in the pages of the New York Times this morning that has been on the minds of Europeans since Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election on November 8: has America fallen? Krugman’s column came two days after we had heard the following story from a friend: a few days after the November 8 election, a young man in his twenties got into a cab in New York City heading for John F. Kennedy International Airport. The cabbie asks why the young man is leaving. The student explains that he has been attending a university in New York City but his parents in Germany had called and ordered him to come home immediately. Their exact statement to him was: “leave immediately, America has fallen.” By Pam Martens and Russ Martens


Fidel Castro: Those who lead are human not gods Fidel’s request that his name or likeness never be used to name any institution or public site, nor any monuments erected, came as no surprise to those who know his ideas Sculptor Enzo Gallo Chiapardi hurriedly crafted a bust of Fidel on the night before the Caravan of Liberty reached Havana, January 8, 1959, after triumphantly crossing the island following the Rebel Army’s victory. With the same speed, upon hearing the news of the sculpture erected near the Colombia military base, Fidel ordered that it be immediately removed, to the Italian artist’s dismay. By Enrique Ojito fidelcastro Patrick Cockburn There’s more propaganda than news coming out of Aleppo There was a period in 2011 and 2012 when there were genuinely independent opposition activists operating inside Syria, but as the jihadis took over these brave people were forced to flee abroad, fell silent or were dead

China Flexes Military Might After Trump Pokes Taiwan Policy with Stick Chinese navy carries out large scale war exercises with live ammunition, seizes US research vessel by Lauren McCauleychinaflexes Health, Science, Education, and Welfare: