Daily News Digest August 2, 2016

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Daily News Digest August 2, 2016

Images of the Day:

Fattened By The Horrors of WarImageoftheDayBoth PartiesImageoftheDay2Quote of the Day:

The presidential election campaign has been disgusting. I won’t be voting; I refuse. It is in Donald Trump that the true colors of much of America are coming out. They hid behind all these veils, inside all these closets, for so long. And now the racism is right there. And I don’t care what Hillary Clinton does to try to prove that she’s for black people. We are not going to forget it was her husband, blindly supported by a lot of black people, who put in place the system that has taken so many black men from their families and put them in prison for carrying the same weed that states are now legalizing. Now she wants to disassociate and say, “Well, that was my husband.” Yes, well: you were there in the background, cheering him on. — I wasn’t afraid. I took a stand in Baton Rouge because enough is enough

Videos of the Day:

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous on a Government Pension

U.S.From Malcolm X and Martin Luther King — Behold The Lord High Executioners of the United States!: US Government Calls For Assassination Of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange High-level U.S. government officials, including Hillary Clinton and Joseph Biden, demand for the assassination of Assange and to list WikiLeaks as a terrorist organization.AssassinationI wasn’t afraid. I took a stand in Baton Rouge because enough is enough: The image of me protesting travelled around the world. I was there because the slaughter of our people by police officers had opened my eyes By Ieshia EvansBatonRouge Environment:

Human carbon release rate is unprecedented in the past 66 million years of Earth’s history: New research published today in Nature Geoscience by Richard Zeebe, professor at the University of Hawai’i — Mānoa School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), and colleagues looks at changes of Earth’s temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) since the end of the age of the dinosaurs. Their findings suggest humans are releasing carbon about 10 times faster than during any event in the past 66 million years.

JOIDES Resolution is a scientific drilling ship used by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. PETM sediment sections have been recovered during past expeditions of the JOIDES Resolution. Credit: International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)

Deregulated Capitalism on Steroids: More Chemicals Allowed in Florida Waterways, Toxic Algae Blooms Continue to Spread Across State Florida regulators voted to approve new water quality standards that would increase the amount of carcinogenic toxins allowed in Florida’s waterways. By Katie PohlmanFlorida Human (Capitalist) Consumption of Earth’s Natural Resources Has Tripled in 40 Years By Alex KirbyConsumtionResourcesLogging for Water A battle is brewing over whether cutting down trees will increase California’s water supply. But Bevington said it’s not surprising that the logging-for-water claim has gained renewed attention in California during the recent intense drought. “In desperate times, people are more susceptible to believing promises of easy water, rather than looking closely at the problems with those claims,” he continued. “But if EBMUD or other utilities end up subsidizing logging in the Sierra Nevada and other mountain ranges, Bay Area residents are likely to see no significant benefits in terms of water flows.” By Will ParrishLoggingforWaterThe Front Lines of Climate Disruption: Alaskans Witness Collapsing Mountains, Shattered Lives The impacts of anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD) across Alaska are devastating to witness. In late June, due to glaciers melting at unprecedented rates, the side of a mountain nearly a mile high in Alaska’s Glacier Bay National Park, which had formerly been supported by glacial ice, collapsed completely. The landslide released over 100 million tons of rock, sending debris miles across a glacier beneath what was left of the mountain. By Dahr Jamail FrontLinesMost ‘Organic’ Eggs You Buy Are Far From Organic With Big Ag dominating the organic egg industry, consumers and chickens all lose out. By Mark A. KastelOrganicEggs Ongoing/Big Energy Disasters:

Black Liberation/Civil Rights:

Black, White, and Blue: Working Class Self-Defeat in Somerville by Paul StreetPaulStreet Labor:


Shadow Government Statistics Real GNP

Shadow WallStreetOnParadeU.S. Economy Was Growing at the Slowest Pace Since WW II; Now It’s Worse According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Great Recession (that was brought on by the implosion of Wall Street) ended in June 2009. What we’ve been in since that time is supposed to be the “recovery” part of the cycle. But for tens of millions of Americans, it has been hard to tell the recovery from the crisis in terms wealth accumulation, wage growth, or ability to earn a decent rate of interest on savings. By Pam and Russ MartensMartens World:The Ideas of Jeremy Corbyn Are the Ideas of Young Progressives Across Europe: When I was elected Chair this February I made my politics clear: that I am a socialist and a feminist, and that I am 100% behind Jeremy Corbyn’s ideas. This has not changed. This last week, spent with young people from across Europe, reminded me of why. By Caroline Hill, National Chair of Young LabourJeremyCorbyn Health, Science, Education, and Welfare:

Images From The Burrito Index: Consumer Prices Have Soared 160% Since 2001BurritoIndex

BurritoIndex2 BurritoIndex3BurritoIndex4Country Club Sports of the White Gentry by David Macaray