Daily News Digest Archives
Daily News Digest July 22, 2016
Images of the Day:
Union of Concerned Scientist Calendar July 2016Quotes of the Day:
Criminal to Military to Police Force Pipeline: “The Army is meeting its recruiting goals partly by accepting more enlistees who lack high school diplomas, who have low scores on the military’s aptitude test or receive waivers for criminal and medical problems.” — Army Documents Show Lower Recruiting Standards
Media spokespeople and politicians in both parties are working overtime to paint imaginary connections between the broad movement supported by millions of Americans to strip police of their traditional immunity and impunity for violent acts committed against civilians on the one hand, and the deranged, disconnected shooters of police in Texas and Louisiana. The real links they studiously ignore are that the Dallas and Baton Rouge shooters were both veterans of the unjust and murderous US military occupations of Afghanistan and/or Iraq, as are many of the police who commit violent acts against their fellow Americans after they return home. While the percentage of cops with military backgrounds is unclear due to the existence of special laws protecting police personnel, disciplinary and other records from prosecutorial and public scrutiny, the percentage of military veterans among police around the country is probably higher than any other line of work excepting civilian employees of the Pentagon, intelligence services and their contractors. — Blowback: Does the US Military Incubate Brutal, Abusive Cops Along With Their Deranged, Disconnected Shooters?
Videos of the Day:
The Biggest Conspiracy Theory of all times-Stargate-Gulf of Aden
Avanti Popolo – Bandiera Rossa
Black Cleveland Residents Tell Tale of Two Cities in the Shadow of Republican Convention “America has never been safe for some people,” said Alice Ragland as she flipped through handwritten slides on the history of American oppression, from the genocide of Native Americans to the lynching of blacks. “For some of us, it has not been a great place to live.” By Alice Speri The Military’s Criminal Recruits: Classified Evidence: US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers According to a number of global mainstream media sources, the Pentagon is covering up a disturbing video that was never made public with the rest of the recent torture report.Hillarygate: FBI Director Comey is a board member of Clinton Foundation connected bank HSBC It seems that our beloved FBI Director is or until very recently was a director and board member of HSBC, which is tightly connected to the Clinton Foundation. Environment:
New Study Makes Clear: Saving Reefs Means Slashing Emissions “To save coral reefs, we need to reduce our overreliance on fossil fuels…. Local management alone won’t cut it.” By Nadia PrupisOngoing/Big Energy Disasters:
Black Liberation/Civil Rights:
Ready Or Not, the Black Movement Enters a New Stage by BAR executive editor Glen Ford
Black youth in the U.S. have crossed a kind of Rubicon, and the rulers are fearful — and so are their henchmen in the Black Misleadership Class. “When a Black beauty queen calls Micah Johnson ‘a martyr,’ we know that the movement’s values have been internalized by a broad strata of the Black public.” Both wings of the duopoly are issuing dark threats of repression — a clear sign that those in power feel genuinely threatened.
Blowback: Does the US Military Incubate Brutal, Abusive Cops Along With Their Deranged, Disconnected Shooters? A Black Agenda Radio commentary by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon
Malicious authoritarians in both parties peddle fantasies connecting Black Lives Matter and the broad movement of millions against police immunity and impunity for violent acts against civilians with the deranged shooters of cops in Dallas and Baton Rouge. The connection they won’t talk about is that both the shooters and many violent and abusive police first practiced their trade in the twisted and deranged world of the US military.