Daily News Digest September 22, 2020

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Extreme Fires and Floods — We Are at the Global Waming ‘Tipping Point’ If It’s Not Here, Its Near!

Due to Years of Austerity, Cuts to Public Health Care, And An Anti-Science and Profiteering President, The United States Now Leads the World In  Coronavirus Cases and Deaths in the World! And Now the Total Caronavirs Deaths in the United  States are Over 20%  of the Total Deaths in the Entire World!

Another Example Capitalism as a Failed System: World Capilalism Was Aware of the Danger of Cornovavirus Threat 4 Years Ago and Did Nothing!

Under Capitalism — Human Lives Don’t Matter  Capitalism Does Not, and Never Has, Worked for the Masses! In Its Death Agony, Capitalism Is Traveling About The World Like The Four Horsemen of the The Apocalypse, Spreading  Racism,  War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. The very future of Humanity Is Now At stake! By Roland SheppardLaura Gray’s cartoon from the front page of The Militant August 18, 1945, Under the Banner Headline: “There Is No Peace”

During This Economic Crisis, Capitalism’s Three-Point Political Program: 1.Austerity,2.Scapegoat Blacks, Minorities, and ‘Illegal’ Immigrants for Unemployment, and 3.  The Iron Heel!

Always Remember:  That President Obama, With a Majority Democrat Legislature Supported the Wall Street Bailout and Remember, That he Established, in writing,  the United States Capitalist Austerity Program. —  The Race to the Bottom/Pauperization of the 99%!

Democracy?:As the Capitalist Robber Barons Steal from the 99%,  Only the 1% Voted For Austerity!   The 99% Should Decide On Austerity — Not Just The 1% Who, Profit From Austerity!!  Under Austerity, All of the World Will Eventually Be Pauperized, Humbled, and Desecrated Like Greece and Puerto Rico.!   Socialism Means True Democracy, that the 99% Will Rule, Not the Few!

Images  of the Day:

As the World Burns and the Pandemic Spreads Trump’s Slogan: What Me Worry?Quotes 0f the Day:

Life in California:  These Days, I check Accuweather, for the air quality, to determine which mask to wear. When I go out. — My coronavirus mask or my coronavirus/ N95 wildfire smoke mask! (N95 Masks are in short supply!)

The Framers of the Constitution Cnciously Set Up Opulent Rule! As Noam Chomsky stated in his interview on American History and Democracy:  . . . If you go back to the record of the Constitutional Convention, which took place in 1787, almost immediately after the end of the war, you see that they are already moving in another direction. James Madison — who was the main framer, and one of the Founding Fathers who was most libertarian — makes it very clear that the new constitutional system must be designed so as to ensure that the government will, in his words, “protect the minority of the opulent against the majority” and bar the way to anything like agrarian reform. The determination was made that America could not allow functioning democracy, since people would use their political power to attack the wealth of the minority of the opulent. Therefore, Madison argues, the country should be placed in the hands of the wealthier set of men, as he put it. .

History is being repeated. But this time around, don’t be tricked. In my book “From the Projects to the Pyramids in Search of a Better Family Life,” I outlined numerous times during the 1960s when the police, state, and federal law enforcement apparatus descended on the Black protest movement to destroy it. They were a significant contributor to the community’s descent into chaos, looting, and rioting. How is the game played? By planting agent provocateurs and informants in the protest movement whose rhetoric is the most outlandish. They are able to maneuver themselves into leadership positions and are used to promote lawlessness and destruction. This helps to justify the high arrest rate of the legitimate protestors. This tactic is also aided and abetted by rich individuals and right-wing corporations that finance civilian-type militias that work in concert with the law enforcement apparatus. The undercover agent provocateur and informant’s job is to foment dissent and chaos. Today, we are witnessing these same types of tactics in Kenosha, Wisconsin; Rochester, New York; Portland, Oregon; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Louisville, Kentucky; Atlanta, Georgia; Washington, D.C., and nearly every other place where African-American males, females, and children are the victims of police abuse, shootings, and killings. All around the country where Black Lives Matter activists are holding mass demonstrations, these types of agents and their supporters are helping to create chaos by instigating destructive actions. Their aim is to convince the American public that the mass protest movement is undermining the very fabric of society that will eventually lead to lawlessness and the obliteration of the American democratic system of government. Their banner is Law and Order. — Black Lives and Agent Provocateurs

Videos Of the Day:

Trial of Press Freedom and They Exclude  the Press COWARDLY Silence On Julian Assange’s Trial by Establishment Press!Toxic Wildfire Smoke is Another Reason to Wear Your Mask

A plane is seen flying low with a hazy sunset caused by smoke blown across the country from the intense forest fires on the West Coast, in Washington, D.C., on September 15, 2020, amid the coronavirus pandemic. Dozens of major wildfires in California, Oregon, Washington and states across the West have belched so much smoke into the atmosphere that is now causing noticeable haze across the country as President Trump has repeatedly denied the science of climate change and its effects on forest fires. (Graeme Sloan/Sipa USA)No Use UK. No Use Germany.

San Diego Wildfire Rages, Just Misses Tribal Areas and Big Cat Sanctuary

Flint Water Crisis Continues Despite Settlement

United States:

The United States is not a Democracy (A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly)! Only the 1%, through their ownership of the Reublicrats and who profit from war and the war budget, vote for War and the war budget — A policy, which Gore Vidal called a  Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. — The 99% Should Decide On War — Not Just The 1% Who Profit From War!  Under a Democracy, The 99% would have the right to vote on the policy of Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace! The United States takes from the poor and gives to the Rich. Rax the Rich!  — They Can Afford To Pay!

The U.S. Constitution is not very democratic. The proof? The sitting U.S. president, who has vast, almost regal powers over a federal bureaucracy with two million employees, was elected with just 46.1% of the votes — and only 27% of eligible voters. The U.S. Constitution gives power to smaller states at the expense of larger ones and favors rural citizens over their urban peers. There is one U.S. senator per 20 million people in California — and one per less than 300,000 people in Wyoming! The filibuster in the Senate means that theoretically, the representatives of just one quarter of voters can veto legislation for the entire country.The protests sweeping the United States are a sign that the constitutional regime is reaching an impasse. A fanatical faction of the Republican party is blocking even the most basic aid while 40 million people are unemployed. Bernie Sanders’s campaign had offered hope that desperately needed reforms could be won within the institutions. Those hopes were dashed when Sanders capitulated to the Democratic Party’s establishment — he did what he had always said he would do and endorsed the Democratic establishment’s nominee. Now, a big section f young people has come to the conclusion that changes can only be won on the streets of young people has come to the conclusion that changes can only be won on the streets. — U.S. Democracy Is Not Very Democratic

He Wants to Make the Supremees Supream Trump Says He Is ‘Counting on the Federal Court System’ to Declare Winner on Election Night — Before Many Ballots Are Tallied “This is an open admission that Trump hopes to use the Supreme Court to steal the election.” By. Jake Johnson

The Founding Fathers Gave Control When They ‘Framed’ the Constitution to Maintain Opulnt Rule!:   Why Do Americans Give Away So Much Control to Corporations? The American people own most of the wealth – private and public – and most of the information in the country. The top one percent do not. The American people have most of the power in the country. The top one percent do not. These assertions may surprise you, because the top one percent and the giant corporations work overtime to control what you own. This means they do not have to seize what you own so long as their control provides them with both riches and power over you. By Ralph Nader Environment:

Triple Crisis in the Anthropocene Ocean.
Part Two: Running Low on Oxygen
The ocean is losing its breath, with deadly effects on marine life and the biogeochemical cycles that shape the entire biosphere. Since 1960, low-oxygen areas in the open ocean have expanded by 4.5 million square kilometers, an area the size of the European Union. Some regions have lost 40% of their oxygen, and the volume of water containing zero oxygen has more than quadrupled. The ocean is losing about a billion metric tons of oxygen every year. At present rates, the decline in life-giving ocean oxygen will triple by 2100. Add that to the rapidly growing number of coastal dead zones, and we have a life support emergency. by Ian Angus

Trump The Psycopathic Murderer: Trump EPA Denounced for ‘Disgusting’ Decision on Atrazine, Herbicide Tied to Birth Defects One critic warned that “this decision imperils the health of our children and the safety of drinking water supplies across much of the nation.” “Use of this extremely dangerous pesticide should be banned, not expanded,” declared Nathan Donley, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD). “This disgusting decision directly endangers the health of millions of Americans. By Jessica Corbett

2020 Preface: Whither Humanity? The Environmental Crisis of Capitalism We Don’t Need a Green New Deal! — We Need a Green Industrial Revolution!   Extreme Fires and Floods — We Are at the Global Waming ‘Tipping Point’ If It’s Not Here, Its Near!

The Age of Megafires: The World Hits a Climate Tipping Point Rising temperatures and worsening droughts mean that the world has entered an era of increasingly catastrophic wildfires. From Siberia to Australia to the western U.S., massive fires have consumed millions of acres this year and spawned fire-generated tornados and other phenomena rarely seen before. Scientists say the world has entered a perilous new era that will demand better ways of fighting wildfires. By Ed Struzik

From Are We Watching the Arctic Pass a Tipping Point This Summer?: The melt is driven by a weather event, but that fits with a larger worrying trend. The ice sheet is getting darker thanks to dust and soot from forest fires, allowing it to absorb more heat. In fact, it was soot from Russian fires that in part led to that 2012 meltdown. Mark Parrington, a fire scientist working at Europe’s Copernicus Earth Observation Programme, told Earther winds haven’t been blowing north during this year’s fires. That could be sparing the ice sheet and sea ice from even more widespread melt, though he noted he hadn’t computed any specific numbers as far as how much fire-flung gunk was ending up on the ice.         Research has indicated that melts like the one in 2012 could become an annual occurrence by century’s end as temperatures rise and more forests burn, darkening the ice sheet further.      The unending heat in the Arctic is also keeping sea ice at record lows for this time of year. This week’s blast furnace (by Arctic standards, anyways) will only further erode ice as it inches toward its annual minimum in September. And again, this is all in line with long-term trends that have seen the sea ice minimum shrink by roughly 13 percent per decade since the 1970s.      “Overall, this summer has not been surprising to me at all,” Zack Labe, a PhD candidate at the University of California, Irvine who studies the Arctic, told Earther. “We are seeing in real-time the effects of a warming Arctic with declines in sea ice area and thickness.”      The fact that none of this is surprising to scientists is hardly comforting news.The melt is driven by a weather event, but that fits with a larger worrying trend. The ice sheet is getting darker thanks to dust and soot from forest fires, allowing it to absorb more heat.       In fact, it was soot from Russian fires that in part led to that 2012 meltdown.    Mark Parrington, a fire scientist working at Europe’s Copernicus Earth Observation Programme, told Earther winds haven’t been blowing north during this year’s fires.       That could be sparing the ice sheet and sea ice from even more widespread melt, though he noted he hadn’t computed any specific numbers as far as how much fire-flung gunk was ending up on the ice.earch has indicated that melts like the one in 2012 could become an annual occurrence by century’s end as temperatures rise and more forests burn, darkening the ice sheet further.  The unending heat in the Arctic is also keeping sea ice at record lows for this time of year.       This week’s blast furnace (by Arctic standards, anyways) will only further erode ice as it inches toward its annual minimum in September. And again, this is all in line with long-term trends that have seen the sea ice minimum shrink by roughly 13 percent per decade since the 1970s.      “Overall, this summer has not been surprising to me at all,” Zack Labe, a PhD candidate at the University of California, Irvine who studies the Arctic, told Earther. “We are seeing in real-time the effects of a warming Arctic with declines in sea ice area and thickness.”     The fact that none of this is surprising to scientists is hardly comforting news. — Are We Watching the Arctic Pass a Tipping Point This Summer?

This week’s blast furnace (by Arctic standards, anyways) will only further erode ice as it inches toward its annual minimum in September. And again, this is all in line with long-term trends that have seen the sea ice minimum shrink by roughly 13 percent per decade since the 1970s.  “Overall, this summer has not been surprising to me at all,” Zack Labe, a PhD candidate at the University of California, Irvine who studies the Arctic, told Earther. “We are seeing in real-time the effects of a warming Arctic with declines in sea ice area and thickness.”     The fact that none of this is surprising to scientists is hardly comforting news. — Are We Watching the Arctic Pass a Tipping Point This Summer?

Extreme Fires and Floods — We Are at the Global Waming ‘Tipping Point’ If It’s Not Here, Its Near! With Siberia Burning and Greenland Melting, we are at or near the golbal warming tipping point. Capitalism done nothing to slow the pace of Global Warming. In fact it has increased the pace of and the degree of globa Global Warming!  The 1% have decided that profits come befor the survival of humanity!   The Planent will survive global warming— but Humanity won’t.  The 1%’s dulopoly is not the answer.  All people must act and take the steps my any means necessary to oppose the 1%.  Such as a world-wide march and economic strike for humanity!

We Don’t Need a Green New Deal! — We Need a Green Industrial Revolution!

In the present world, the rights of the capitalists to make a profit are in direct conflict with our basic rights. In this sense, the capitalist system has now become a threat to humanity.

Jefferson’s words, from the Declaration of Independence, that human rights are unalienable, mean that these rights can never be superseded. At all points of conflict the rights of humanity to survive must supersede the right of the few to make a profit. The right to a safe environment is an unalienable human right!

Since environmental illness and destruction are a global concern, it requires all of humanity to act collectively, in its overall interests for its survival as a species, to correct the problem and to remove the obstacle of capitalism.  It requires a society where humanity has social, economic, and political control over the entire environment. Such a society, a socialist society, is needed to ensure that all decisions affecting the environment are under the democratic control of humankind so that the production of goods will be done for the needs and survival of humanity instead of the production and the destruction of humanity and other species for profit.

With common ownership of the means of production, and common control and protection of all property and wealth, science and society will be in harmony with the ecosystem and humanity’s future.   With these goals we can begin to build a more effective environmental’peace movement. As we continue to organize against capitalism and its destructive course, we can and will transform the world!

I see no other way forward for humanity, Except a Socialist Revolution! Tommorrow may be too late, to do what we should done in the1930s!

Civil Rights/ Black Liberarion:

Kevin Cooper: Surviving Death Row and COVID-19 in San Quentin Kevin Cooper has been incarcerated for over 37 years (35 years on death Row) for the murder of the Ryan family and child guest Christopher Hughes, a brutal crime he doggedly maintains he did not commit. Currently, having exhausted appeals through the courts, Kevin is requesting that Governor Newsom order an innocence investigation to consider all the evidence that points to others and exonerates Kevin Cooper. Gov. Newsom has ordered DNA testing which has almost been completed at this time. By Dennis Bernstein



‘Law and Order’Does Not Apply to Wall Sreet — Just Main Street!

3-Count Felon, JPMorgan Chase, Caught Laundering More Dirty Money The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has once again managed to do what federal bank regulators refuse to do in the United States – come clean with the American people about our dirty Wall Street banks.ICIJ dropped a bombshell investigative report yesterday about money laundering for criminals at some of the biggest banks on Wall Street, but you won’t find a peep about it on the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal or New York Times’ print editions. In fact, the New York Times, as of 6:44 a.m. this morning, hasn’t reported the story at all. The Wall Street Journal carries an innocuous headline, “HSBC Stock Hits 25-Year Low,” putting the focus on the British bank, HSBC, when its focus should be on the largest bank in the U.S., JPMorgan Chase, a serial felon. By Pam Martens and Russ Martens


Mass protests in Thailand: Down With the Monarchy! Over the weekend, the protest movement that has been shaking the Thai regime for months struck its most powerful blow so far. Tens of thousands of people, in the biggest demonstration of this movement to date, marched on the Grand Palace in Bangkok. The demonstration began on Saturday but protestors camped overnight in Sanam Luang (Royal Field) opposite the palace, defying police orders to disperse. By Ben Gliniecki

Education, Health, Science, and Welfare:

The government of the United States can pass laws in a few days to spend tens of trillions of dollars for war and the bailout of Wall Street and the bankers. Yet, those who pass universal healthcare for  themselves, but they cannot spend even one trillion dollars for universal health for those who are ‘governed’! This is what is considered, by the powers to be,  a democracy and part of the democratic way. — Roland Sheppard, Let the People  Vote on Healthcare

This Graph Demonstrates That Trump’s Coronavirus ‘War’ Has Been a Failure