Editorial: Re: California Governor wants to pass a massive $3.6 billion tax plan on autos

Editorial: Re: California Governor wants to pass a massive $3.6 billion tax plan on autos

California Governor Jerry Brown says he wants a huge $3.6 billion increase in the gas tax and a user fee on automobiles. Combined, the measures are supposed to bring in $3.6 billion

Poor Customers Pay the Price for America’s Crumbling Water Infrastructure

In the 1970’s, the San Francisco Democratic Party, led the nation on a course of attacking public workers by blaming them for higher taxes. (Ignoring the fact that every ‘tax reform’ since the Kennedy administration has led to an increase in taxes for the 99% and a decrease in taxes for the 1%.)

Along with this they adopted a program job cutbacks and differed maintenance of the city, states, and federal infrastructure. Then the twin parties of the 1%, led by President Clinton, implemented a city, state, and national policy to deregulate industry — leading the 1% to gain unfettered profits. A good example of this faulty policy has been to put bigger and bigger trucks and vehicle on thr nation’s highways, that were built to withstand the weight to withstand the weight of vehicle that were used in the 50s and 60s.

Any projects to repair the crumbling infrastrture went to the lowest bidder or the highest election campaign contributer bidder. Leading to cost overruns and faulty contruction. (A good example is shown in my essay in my June 13, 2013 essay The Onging Saga Of The New Bay Bridge Eastern Span Or How Corporate Greed, Corruption,  and Corporate Government Deregulation  Demonstrate The Decline Of The U.S. Empire.)

Nationwide, to repair the Nations Crumbling Infrastructure it will take an investment of $3.6Trillion by 2020.

Governor Brown’s proposal is to tax the 99% again to fix the trans portation industry infrastructure and not the 1% who let it fall apart. Tens of Trillions of dollars were/are spent on war and the Bailout of the ‘Too Big To Fail’ 1% That own and control the nations wealth, while the American people face austerity and nothing has been spent by the 1%  to create jobs to rebuild the nation’s crumbling infrastructure.