Daily News Digest April 1, 2016

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Daily News Digest April 1, 2016

Since World War II ‘the war to end all wars’ there have been perpetual wars for perpetual peace, this Laura Cray political cartoon is from the from page editorial, of the August 18, 1945 Issue of The Militant Newspaper, with the Banner Headline:  There Is No Peace Could Still Be Published Today!ThereisNo Peace

Images of the Day:

Quotes of the Day:

“Since the Clinton era, charter school investments get automatic tax credits that allow investors to double their money in as little as 7 years…” Celebrities they say, are people who are famous for being well known, while entrepreneurs, in popular lore, are those with a talent for detecting opportunities to get paid, in much the same way crocodiles and sharks smell blood in distant waters. So the celebrity entrepreneur is all about finding ways to leverage that celebrity to get paid. In this neoliberal age of privatization, the surest way for the well-connected to get paid is to bribe public officials to help you convert public assets into your private property. Look at entrepreneur Ervin “Magic” Johnson, who gave Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel a perfectly legal $250,000 campaign donation and received an $80 million contract to replace the formerly unionized janitors in Chicago Public Schools. That’s entrepreneurship. Now principals in some of those schools are buying mops and brooms out of their own pockets to keep the filth at bay. — Bruce Dixon, Just What We Need: More Black Celebrity Charter School Crooks… I Mean ‘Entrepreneurs’

Videos the Day:

Wireless sabotage of cars


Fools Fighting Terror with Terror JohnLeForgeThe Foreign Policy Establishment Strikes Back at Obama Untitled-1

The CIA and the Pentagon Are Shooting at Each Other By William Rivers Pitt2016_0331pittEnvironment:

Ongoing/Big Energy Disasters!:

With Quakes, Toxic Water, and Emissions, ‘No Surprise’ Support for Fracking on Decline: Obama and presidential candidates should ‘catch up with the will of the people,’ as majority of Americans now opposed by With Quakes, Toxic Water, and Emissions, ‘No Surprise’ Support for Fracking on Decline by Lauren McCauleyFrackingQuakesGovernor Malloy, Singin’ in the Methane: Capitalism vs. Planet by Dan FischerDanFischer


01:13 PM EST on March 29th, 2016 |

Black Liberation/Civil Rights:

BarTrump Way to the Left of Clinton on Foreign Policy – In Fact, He’s Damn Near Anti-Empire http://www.blackagendareport.com/trump_anti-empire by BAR executive editor Glen Ford GLEN_donald-trumpJust What We Need: More Black Celebrity Charter School Crooks… I Mean ‘Entrepreneurs’ A Black Agenda Radio Commentary by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixonblack-charter-school-crooks-444


Chicago Teachers Union seeks furlough trade for April 1 walkout: Chicago Teachers Union members and others rally Feb. 4, 2016, with a march through Chicago’s Loop. By Brian Cassellact-ctu-rally-photo-20160322


WallStreetOnParadeObama Video: President Has His Facts Seriously Wrong on Financial Reform By Pam Martens and Russ MartensPresident-Obama-Calls-Surprise-Meeting-With-Financial-RegulatorsWorld:

Health, Education and Welfare:

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