The Global Climate Emergency is Now! For A Ecosoialist United Front!
Global Warming Emergency!
From: Crushing Climate Impacts to Hit Sooner Than Feared: Draft UN Report:
But global warming impacts are also amplified by all the other ways that humanity has shattered Earth’s equilibrium.
These include “losses of habitat and resilience, over-exploitation, water extraction, pollution, invasive non-native species and dispersal of pests and diseases,” the report says.
There is no easy solution to such a tangle of problems, said Nicholas Stern, former chief economist at the World Bank and author of the landmark Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change.
“The world is confronting a complex set of interwoven challenges,” said Stern, who did not contribute to the IPCC report.
“Unless you tackle them together, you are not going to do very well on any of them.”
The UN Climate Report States: “The world is confronting a complex set of interwoven challenges,” said Stern, who did not contribute to the IPCC report.“Unless you tackle them together, you are not going to do very well on any of them.”
To solve the coming catastrophe, all of the nations and the nations of the must take collective action to stop the rapid rate of global warming
The Global Covid-19 pandemic has clearly proven that capitalism, in its death agony, cannot unite to save humanity from the coming global warming catastrophe.
Science and technology are not an obstacle to maintaining a safe environment. The barrier to a safe environment is capitalism and its paramount principle of production and science for profit.
Most environmental studies demonstrate that environmental destruction has become globally intertwined within our society and that the globalization of capitalism has quickened the destruction of the planet.
Under the conditions of global capitalist competition, it is not economically feasible to invest the capital necessary to reverse this destruction.
In the present world, the rights of the capitalists to make a profit are in direct conflict with our basic rights. In this sense, the capitalist system has become a threat to humanity.
Jefferson’s words, from the Declaration of Independence, that human rights are unalienable, mean that these rights can never be superseded. At all points of conflict, the rights of humanity to survive must supersede the right of the few to make a profit. The right to a safe environment is an unalienable human right!
Since environmental illness and destruction are a global concern, it requires all of humanity to act collectively, in our overall interests for our survival as a species, to correct the problem and to remove the obstacle of capitalism. It requires a society where humanity has social, economic, and political control over the entire environment. Such a society, a socialist society, is needed to ensure that all decisions affecting the environment are under the democratic control of humankind so that the production of goods will be done for the needs and survival of humanity instead of the production and the destruction of humanity and other species for profit.
With common ownership of the means of production and common control and protection of all property and wealth, science and society will be in harmony with the ecosystem and humanity’s future.
Science and technology are not an obstacle to maintaining a safe environment. The barrier to a safe environment is capitalism and its paramount principle of production and science for profit. Most environmental studies demonstrate that environmental destruction has become globally intertwined within our society and that the globalization of capitalism has quickened the destruction of the planet. Under the conditions of global capitalist competition, it is not economically feasible to invest the capital necessary to reverse this destruction.
Another obstacle is that, during the recent decades of relative capitalist prosperity, the socialist left has been fractured and has been unable to united in c common struggle to stop this humancide. The left must put aside past differences and join to build an ecosocialist united front!
In the present world, the rights of the capitalists to make a profit are in direct conflict with our basic rights. In this sense, the capitalist system has become a threat to humanity.
Jefferson’s words, from the Declaration of Independence, that human rights are unalienable, mean that these rights can never be superseded. At all points of conflict, the rights of humanity to survive must supersede the right of the few to make a profit. The right to a safe environment is an unalienable human right!
Since environmental illness and destruction are a global concern, it requires all of humanity to act collectively, in our overall interests for our survival as a species, to correct the problem and to remove the obstacle of capitalism. It requires a society where humanity has social, economic, and political control over the entire environment. Such a society, a socialist society, is needed to ensure that all decisions affecting the environment are under the democratic control of humankind so that the production of goods will be done for the needs and survival of humanity instead of the production and the destruction of humanity and other species for profit.
With common ownership of the means of production and common control and protection of all property and wealth, science and society will be in harmony with the ecosystem and humanity’s future.
‘We are in the midst of a climate emergency and there is no way out without radically changing the way society is organized. If humanity does not free itself from the capitalist drive for ever-greater profits and ever-expanding economic growth, rising global temperatures alone will make the planet uninhabitable for humans and millions of other living species. We urgently need to find a collective road to a new way of living that is based on human solidarity and ecological sustainability!’ (See An Ecosocialist Manifesto: For an Egalitarian, Cooperative Road to Ecosocialism!)
The Emergency is Now! Humanity Needs To Move Beyond Capitalism To Ecosocialism! We Need, very quickly, to Build a World Movement for Ecosocialist Revolution!
A Need a Green Ecocosocialist Industrial Revolution!
Daily News Digest July 26, 2021
Images of the Day:
Another Example of Capitalism as a Failed System: World CaAnpilalism Was Aware of the Danger of Cornovavirus Threat Over 5 Years Ago and Did Nothing!: Under Capitalism — Human Lives Don’t Matter Capitalism Does Not, and Never Has, Worked for the Masses! In Its Death Agony, Capitalism Is Traveling About The World Like The Four Horsemen of the The Apocalypse, Spreading Racism, War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. The future of Humanity Is Now At stake!
Due to Years of Austerity, Cuts to Public Health Care, And An Anti-Science and Profiteering President, The United States Now Leads the World In Coronavirus Cases and Deaths in the World!
Always Remember: That President Obama, With a Majority Democrat Legislature Supported the Wall Street Bailout and Remember, That he Established, in writing, the United States Capitalist Austerity Program. — The Race to the Bottom/Pauperization of the 99%!
Democracy?: As the Capitalist Robber Barons Steal from the 99%, Only the 1% Voted For Austerity! The 99% Should Decide On Austerity — Not Just The 1% Who, Profit From Austerity!! Under Austerity, All of the World Will Eventually Be Pauperized, Humbled, and Desecrated Like Greece and Puerto Rico.! Socialism Means True Democracy, that the 99% Will Rule, Not the Few!
Quotes of the Day:
In recent days, Pegasus, the name of Israeli spyware implicated in everything from the murder of journalists to the surveillance of world leaders, has been splashed across headlines around the globe. Reports in the Washington Post, The Guardian, and 15 other media outlets, as well as Amnesty International, which uncovered the spyware’s reach, revealed that Pegasus, sold by the Israeli company NSO, was used in attempts to track the most intimate details of thousands of people, including French President Emmanuel Macron and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, as well as hundreds of human rights activists, journalists and lawyers around the globe. The revelations have prompted Haaretz columnist Eitay Mack to declare in no uncertain terms that “Israel’s NSO and Pegasus are a real and present danger to democracy all over the world.” — Richard Silverstein: Why the Israeli Spy Export Pegasus Is a Danger to Freedom Worldwide
Videos of the Day:
United States:
The United States is not a Democracy (A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly)! Only the 1%, through. their ownershipof the Reublicrats, who profit from war and the war budget, voted for War and the war budget — A policy, which Gore Vidal called a Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. — The 99% Should Decide On War — Not Just The 1% Who Profit From War! Under a Democracy, The 99% would have the right to vote on the policy of Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace! The United States takes from the poor and gives to the Rich. Tax the Rich! — They Can Afford To Pay!
Medicare for All Advocates Take to the Streets of Over 50 US Cities “How can we have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness when we live in constant fear of illness, bankruptcy, or homelessness because of the outrageous for-profit healthcare system?” Just days before the 56th anniversary of Medicare being signed into law, advocates for creating a public, universal health insurance program in the United States to replace the largely private, for-profit system held marches in more than 50 cities across the country on Saturday.
‘Red Tape’ Baby Killers: Wyden Warns Millions of Poor Families Could Be ‘Denied’ Child Tax Credit Unless IRS Acts Without urgent fixes to a shoddy online application portal, Wyden said, many of “America’s most vulnerable communities” will not receive the expanded monthly benefit.
War 1st Vaccine ????: A Huge Outrage’: Senate Panel Approves $25 Billion Pentagon Budget Increase “Not so incidentally, the $25 billion spending increase approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee exactly matches the cost to scale up Covid-19 vaccine production to meet global demand.”
The Schnacke Affidavit: U.S. Admission of Offensive Germ Warfare Capability During the Korean War I recently obtained from the National Archives an affidavit from assistant U.S. attorney Robert H. Schnacke. The sworn statement was filed during a controversial 1950s trial prosecuting the editorial staff of China Monthly Review for sedition for reporting on the controversy over whether the U.S. used BW against China and the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK). In the affidavit, which provides us today with two important pieces of the BW puzzle surrounding the charges of germ warfare aimed at the U.S., Schnacke stipulated the presence of an offensive capability by the U.S. to wage biological warfare dating back to the beginning of 1949, something the U.S. had long hidden or denied. The revelation briefly made headlinesin San Francisco, where the trial was being held, but more generally faded away.Surveillance, Roombacops, White Rage, and the End of Empathy Labels aside, those who perpetrate or acquiesce to racial abuse are not confined to a single race, ethnicity or gender. Joe Gutierrez, the officer who pepper-sprayed Nazario, is a white Latino. An officer involved in the Louisiana strip search is black. Freddie Gray’s killers in blue are black and white. The female officers who molested Charnesia Corley are also black and white. The three uniformed accomplices who abetted Chauvin’s murder of George Floyd are white, black, and Asian. This is not the kind of diversity of which America should be proud.
The Climate Crisis Has Gone Critical Human-induced climate change has gotten so bad that our only hope isn’t to reverse it, but to simply save what we can. In June, record heat waves hit Russia, Northern Europe, Canada, and the United States. When these increasingly common weather phenomena began killing hundreds of people, the U.S. media focused its coverage on a single record breaking 116-degree day in Portland, Oregon. When unprecedented flooding in Germany and Western Europe had killed more than 100 people by July 16, I watched as three U.S. network news shows rolled that report into coverage of the West’s wildfires and California’s worst drought in 1,200 years.
‘A Day of Shame’: Australia Lobbying Thwarts Push to List Great Barrier Reef as Endangered Greenpeace Australia called Friday’s World Heritage Committee vote “a victory for one of the most cynical lobbying efforts in recent history.”
“We Knew Who Was Going to Die”: Warnings About Lower-Income Heat Risk Went Unheeded Many of the deaths in extreme heat events, like the record-breaking one in the Pacific Northwest, could be foreseen, a scientist told Congress. In the wake of an extreme heat event in the Pacific Northwest that killed at least 200 people, a scientist testified before Congress that the deaths could have been prevented. “Those who died lacked access to financial capital, social networks, and had aging or injured bodies,” Vivek Shandas, director of the Sustaining Urban Places Research Lab at Portland State University, told the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee. To Shandas, the tragic result was not unforeseen. “We knew who was going to die,” the scientist said. “I wrote a report stating as much in 2009, and yet local agencies had little capacity for taking swift action.”
Black Liberation/Civil Rights:
Why Black Americans Should Care About What’s Happening in Haiti & Cuba The ongoing conflicts in the island nations have repercussions in America where punishment is meted out for any threat to white supremacy A lot of people have been blowing me up over the last two weeks asking me to speak up about what’s happening in Cuba and normally I would, as it’s always been my way to lend a voice in these times. But as a woman of Haitian and Cuban lineage living in the United States, this subject hits home in a very personal way. And so I took some time to reflect and ask myself, “What message could I possibly convey to my American friends about why they should care about any of this? How does this impact them?”
Freedom Rider: Standing with the Cuban People
– Margaret Kimberley, BAR senior columnist
The current Black-centered Cuban protest operation is very well orchestrated and if Black people in this country are not careful, they will end up amplifying the dictates of U.S. imperialism.
DOCUMENT: The Rise of Black Power in the West Indies: Walter Rodney, 1969
Editors, The Black Agenda Review
Rodney succinctly demonstrates how capitalism and colonialism, and nationalism and imperialism, function to create a rigid hierarchy by which color is fused with class to keep the Black majorities
Joe Biden is Wrong, Capitalism IS Exploitation
Danny Haiphong, BAR Contributing Editor
The COVID-19 pandemic has produced numerous examples of “disaster capitalism, and spectacular profits for billionaires.”
The TPLF Attack on Ethiopia Contains the Accumulated Evil of the War
Ann Garrison, BAR Contributing Editor
“The US and its allies haven’t even been able to get past the first step—UN Security Council censure—with regard to Syria, then Burundi, and now, Ethiopia.”
Our ‘democracy’
Raymond Nat Turner, BAR poet-in-residence
Shangri-La—untaxed, socially-distanced champagne- caviar, Cayman Island, yacht crowds who Pay nothing for water washing their waste to sewage
The Conspicuous Absence of Derrick Bell—Rethinking the CRT Debate, Part 1
Patrick D. Anderson
Bell levels a class critique against the Black bourgeoisie, whom he sees as having led Black political protest down the wrong path time and time again.
Memo to France as Its Soldiers Leave Africa: “Get Out and Stay Out!”
Mark P. Fancher
French bullying of Africa has been driven entirely by self-interest and greed.
BAR Book Forum: Matthieu Chapman’s Book, “Anti-Black Racism in Early Modern English Drama”
Roberto Sirvent, BAR Book Forum Editor
This book analyzes Early Modern English Drama as a form of cultural production in which the paradigm of Early Modern England was shifting to account for encounters with black Africans.
BAR Book Forum: Julia Rose Kraut’s “Threat of Dissent”
Roberto Sirvent, BAR Book Forum Editor
Ideological exclusion and deportation from the United States, and how they has been consistently used as tools of political repression.
People Working A Minimum Wage Job Can’t Afford Rent Anywhere In The U.S.
Sarah Ruiz-Grossman
Over 40% of Black and Latinx households pay more than 30% of their income on rent, compared with 25% of white households.
Worldwide, The Labor Bureaucracy, the Labor Lieutenants of Capitalism, are Capitalism’s Fifth Colum Within the Working Class: Britain: Marxism, the Labour Party and the Witch-Hunt Socialist Appeal, the Marxist voice of Labour and youth, has been expelled from the British Labour Party, with the right wing saying they are ‘alien’ and ‘toxic’ to the party’s ‘aims and values’. But Marxism has a long history in the British labour movement, and the Labour Party. This article answers the lies, smears, and slanders. The decision by Labour’s national executive committee (NEC) to ban Socialist Appeal and expel our supporters from the Labour Party is not a new idea. It is part of a long history by the right wing to eradicate Marxism and its influence from the party.
Robber Baron CEO: After JPMorgan Chase Admits to Its 4th and 5th Felony Charge, Its Board Gives a $50 Million Bonus to Its CEO, Jamie Dimon The unthinkable is happening with alarming regularity at the Frankenbank JPMorgan Chase. Over the last seven years, with Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon at the helm, JPMorgan Chase has managed to do what no other federally-insured American bank has managed to do in the history of banking in the United States. The bank has admitted to five separate felony counts brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, while regulators took no action to remove the Board of Directors or Jamie Dimon.
Lattuff: No Ice Cream for War Criminals!
Israel Vows to ‘Act Aggressively’ Against Ben & Jerry’s Israel’s prime minister vowed Tuesday to “act aggressively” against the decision by Ben & Jerry’s to stop selling its ice cream in Israeli-occupied territories, as the country’s ambassador to the U.S. urged dozens of state governors to punish the company under anti-boycott laws.
Mobilizing Against the Corporate Hijack of Agriculture and the UN Food Systems Summit Despite claims of being a ‘people’s summit’ and a ‘solutions’ summit, the UNFSS is facilitating greater corporate concentration, unsustainable globalised value chains and agribusiness leverage over public institutions. As a result, more than 300 global organisations of small-scale food producers, researchers and indigenous peoples will gather online from 25-28 July to mobilise against the pre-summit. The Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSM) for relations with the United Nations Committee on World Food Security is working to eradicate food insecurity and malnutrition. According to the CMS, the UNFSS – founded on a partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF) – is disproportionately influenced by corporate actors, lacks transparency and accountability and diverts energy and financial resources away from the real solutions needed to tackle the multiple hunger, climate and health crises.
400+ former heads of state, politicians, artists, and intellectuals call on US president Biden to “Let Cuba Live” An open letter signed by over 400 personalities calls on US president Joe Biden to lift the 243 unilateral sanctions imposed on Cuba during the administration of Donald Trump which have greatly aggravated the economic situation on the island

Education, Health, Science, and Welfare:
The government of the United States can pass laws in a few days to spend tens of trillions of dollars for war and the bailout of Wall Street and the bankers. Yet, those who pass universal healthcare for themselves, but cannot spend even one trillion dollars for universal health for those who are ‘governed’! This is what is considered, by the powers to be, a democracy and part of the democratic way. — Roland Sheppard, Let the People Vote on Healthcare!
Medicare for All Rallies in 50 Cities Show Big Support for Universal Health Care The United States is one of the richest countries in the world, yet its poverty rates are higher and its safety nets are far weaker than those of other industrialized nations. It is also the only large rich country without universal health care. In fact, as Noam Chomsky argued in Truthout, the U.S. health system is an “international scandal.”