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Democracy?: As the Capitalist Robber Barons Steal from the 99% — Only the 1% Voted For Austerity — The 99% Should Decide On Austerity — Not Just The Who Profit From Austerity! Under Austerity, All of the World Will Eventually Be Pauperized, Humbled, and Desecrated Like Greece and Puerto Rico.
Image of the Day:
Every “Tax Reform”, since President Kennedy in 1960 to today, has been an increasein taxes for the middle class, the working class, and the poor. And a decrease in taxes for the rich. Ie: the government has been robbing from the poor and giving to the rich. I called this a Robin Hood in reverse tax policy. An exposure of the class nature of a government is its tax policy. – Roland Sheppard
As the law goes into effect, though, most Americans are seeing little benefit, while the big banks are raking in record profits. According to new analysis by the Associated Press, six big Wall Street banks made an additional $3.59 billion dollars so far this year thanks to the tax law. Financial Analyst James Shanahan told the AP:“If there was one significant factor quarter for the big banks that I follow, it was taxes.” This is no surprise. The tax law was designed mainly to slash taxes for business, dropping the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. The bill also cut individual tax rates, but those changes benefit the rich the most the poorest the least. Meanwhile, health insurance costs continue to rise, which can easily wipe out the meager wage increases middle- and low-income people may get from the tax law. — Big Banks Are Raking in Record Profits Thanks to Trump’s Supposedly ‘Middle-Class’ Tax Cuts
Videos of the Day:
Economic Update: Struggling Against the System This week’s topics include: Updates on teachers’ strikes; capitalism abuses facebook; colleges reward privilege and reproduce it; Shell Oil knew about fossil fuels and global warming for last 50 years; UK housing size shrinks; Sinclair Broadcasting traps employees
All though nobody has ever stated the Wilkileaks exposures of the Hilary Clinton Emails were false, the Democratic Party is Leading the Charge Against Freedom of the Press, in this country: The DNC’S Lawsuit Against WikiLeaks Poses a Serious Threat to Press FreedomThe Democratic National Committee(DNC) filed a lawsuitthis afternoon in a Manhattan federal court against the Russian Government, the Trump campaign and various individuals it alleges participated in the plot to hack its email servers and disseminate the contents as part of the 2016 election. The DNC also sued WikiLeaks for its role in publishing the hacked materials, though it does not allege that WikiLeaks participated in the hacking or even knew in advance about it; its sole role, according to the DNC’s lawsuit, was publishing the hacked emails. The DNC’s suit, as it pertains to WikiLeaks, poses a grave threat to press freedom. The theory of the suit – that WikiLeaks is liable for damages it caused when it “willfully and intentionally disclosed” the DNC’s communications (paragraph 183) – would mean that any media outlet that publishes misappropriated documents or emails (exactly what media outlets quite often do) could be sued by the entity or person about which they are reporting, or even theoretically prosecuted for it, or that any media outlet releasing an internal campaign memo is guilty of “economic espionage” (paragraph 170): By Glenn Greenwald and Trevor Timm
Conflict Over the Future of the Planet On this Earth Day, it is difficult to look at the state of the planet and the current political leadership and see much hope. In “Junk Planet”, Robert Burrowes writes a comprehensive description of the degradation of the atmosphere, oceans, waterways, groundwater, and soil as well as the modern pollution of antibiotic waste, genetic engineering, nanowaste, space junk, military waste and nuclear, a description of a planet degraded by pollution impacting our bodies and health as well as the planet’s future. — by Kevin Zeese – Margaret Flowers
Chemical Madness!All of humanity currently risks exposure to toxic chemicals all over creation in a similar vein to the Mad Hatter of Alice in Wonderland fame. And, maybe, as a result, goin’ kinda looney and getting horribly, dreadfully sick! As soon as the Spring of 2018, the EPA will decide whether to risk the slaughter of birds and bees and pollinators that serve critical functions in crop production, as well as goosing-up the likelihood of chronic illnesses of citizens. The issue behind this flirtation with disease, sickness, pain, and death is regulation, or lack thereof, of chemical pesticides. by Robert Hunziker
From: 2004: Did You Know Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Still Has Radioactive “Hot Spots” Since World WarII?: Please remember that in landmass, our city is less than 50 square miles in diameter. Although the Shipyard is located in the Southeast section of the city it remains radioactive and highly toxic and represents a real and present danger to All San Francisco. We ask that you go to our website and donate a minimum of $1.00 to $1,000 and/ or join San Franciscan’s for Our City’s Health by volunteering some of your time and talent to this important cause, which will enable us to continue our grassroots efforts to warn potential homebuyers of Parcel A and the general public of a potential environmental catastrophe. The Shipyard in its present state is NOT FIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION! Building houses on Parcel A represents a threat not only to people residing in the immediate area of the Shipyard, but a potential danger to every resident of this city, including our neighbors in every direction throughout the Bay Area.
18 years, and much graft, later San Francisco San Francisco’s Hunters Point not cleaned up, but also dispersed throughout the state!: Toxic soil went from SF’s Hunters Point to state landfills, ex-workers say(Alternative Website) The scandal involving cheatingin the $1 billion cleanup at the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard has until now focused on allegations of what was left behind at the site: radioactive dirt dumped into trenches to save the time and expense of testing and disposing of it properly. But former shipyard employees and environmentalists say that toxic waste removed from the site is of just as great a concern. Soil with potentially dangerous levels of radioactive waste, they contend, was trucked to conventional landfills across California — the sort of dumps that typically fill up with tree branches, construction debris and old dishwashers, not radiological waste from a former nuclear test lab that handled uranium and plutonium. By J.K. Dineen 
Civil Rights Black Liberation:
The Authors of “The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist” on the Legacy of Junk Forensics in Mississippi and BeyondTwo murders rocked Noxubee County, Mississippi, in the early 1990s. In each case, a young girl was abducted from her home, raped and murdered, and then dumped in a nearby body of water. Although the cases were startlingly similar, a different man was accused of each crime. Even though he had an alibi, Levon Brooks was pegged for killing 3-year-old Courtney Smith, based on the fact that he’d previously dated Smith’s mother. Kennedy Brewer was charged with the murder of 3-year-old Christine Jackson, whose mother he was dating. By Jordan Smith
Pakistan: another Marxist is missingComrade Bilawal Baloch from Quetta is suspected to have been abducted by the armed forces of Pakistan. He attended the protest held yesterday in front of the Karachi Press Club, which was called by the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM), and was heading back from there to his home in Quetta. But his mobile phone is permanently off and nobody has been able to contact him. IMT Pakistan
Pakistan: six comrades of IMT disappeared by the army!Six comrades of the IMT were arrested today in Karachi by the Army and Sindh Rangers, a paramilitary state department notorious for extra-judicial killings. We need to raise this in the labour and student movements around the world. We need messages of protest and of solidarity. Act now! By International Marxist Tendency Pakistan
Britain, headquarters of fraud The UK is at the centre of global corruption: shell companies that launder dirty money can be set up with ease. But when a whistleblower showed just how easy it is, he faced the full force of the law by Oliver Bullough 
Health, Science, Education, and Welfare:
The US is entering a golden age of corporate medicine A The recent slew of mergers and acquisitions is part of a larger corporate transformation that is remaking American healthcare – for the worse golden age of corporate medicine may be dawning. A slew of mergers and acquisitions looks set to transform American healthcare, drawing health insurance giants, pharmacy benefit managers, physicians’ practices, drugstores, surgical centers and “retail clinics” in pharmacies and supermarkets together into giant corporate healthcare blobs. Whether you view this as a positive development may depend on your stock portfolio: good for industry profits, perhaps, but almost certainly detrimental to the public’s health. By Adam Gaffney